MA 02138
amc最愛電影台 經典電影又一部,星際奇兵,當時James Spader還是我的一號偶像,因為The Crying Game一炮而紅的Jaye Davidson演出的外星女王當時也是好大的話題
Stargate (1994) - IMDb

電影嗎 (woot)? 讓我想起以前我的志願就是成為電影王呢!
MA 02138
James Spader admitted that he did the film for the money, as he found the script to be awful. He said, "Acting, for me, is a passion, but it's also a job, and I've always approached it as such. I have a certain manual-laborist view of acting. There's no shame in taking a film because you need some f****** money."
MA 02138
Jaye Davidson's dislike of the attention that he received after The Crying Game (1992) made him reluctant to take the role of Ra in Stargate (1994). He didn't want to just turn the offer down, so he made what he expected to be an unacceptable demand of $1 million. This was accepted, and he appeared.
MA 02138