Mrs. Sheepie
How old do your characters think mine are?
Mrs. Sheepie
Here's a funny one: Chloe met Kinji when he was in disguise after Kaimana ate him so she thinks he's like 60
I think Raidou thought Gil was around 22 or 23 when they met, but he's also never really considered himself the best judge of age.
Mrs. Sheepie
lmao @ chloe, kinji would be SO offended
The way people talked about him on emodriver she was like
sailor bii
Thorne figures Gil is her actual age as opposed to physical age i.e. not quite thirty
sailor bii
I think she's 29 by now, actually
sailor bii
and doesn't look a day over 23
Mrs. Sheepie
gil is going to forever look just vaguely slightly older than her, haha
sailor bii
Mrs. Sheepie
00000000 that there's a 5-6 year age gap but they both think the other is around 24 amuses me somehow
Gil is still in the kid zone because I don't think she thinks he's 30 yet and bismuth is unguessable
Raidou's more used to demons, who don't necessarily look like their age (if they even look human at all).
So he pretty much defaults to treating everybody like an adult.
Mrs. Sheepie
not a bad system, really
Mrs. Sheepie
nonhoration I love how chloe and gil have very different definitions of kid zone
Mrs. Sheepie
bc gils is anyone under the age of 20 atm
Yeah it's a sliding scale lol
sailor bii
my medieval man is all looking at you all funny because for him you're more or less an adult at 14-16
Allura figures Bismuth is the kind of ageless where it doesn't really matter how old she actually is.
She is An Grownup, that is all that matters.
Alisaie would probably put Fjord at around 30, assuming he ages at a familiar rate.
Cassandra, I think, is too mystified by much of Kinji's behavior to even guess at an age. Physically he looks like a young adult, but she doesn't really judge age by looks, because it's impossible to do that for warriors.
Mrs. Sheepie
kinji is an absolute wildcard
Mrs. Sheepie
and allura is on the mark. bismuth came out of the ground with a specific age mindset and that hasn't really changed in about 5k years
sailor bii
Thorne thinks Kinji is in his twenties and Bismuth is an alien and they age differently so who know
Mrs. Sheepie
\o/ right on both counts
Raidou would not even try to hazard a guess with Bismuth, because she's very obviously not human and he has no idea if her people even have behaviors or appearances that change with age (and the nonhumans he's most familiar with are demons, who are by nature static).
I don't think Yukki would hazard a guess either even if she didn't already know Bismuth was over 5000 years old, for similar reasons (although she almost certainly knows more about Gem society than Raidou does).
Cassandra would also not hazard a guess, again for similar reasons. Plus she's used to physical appearance not being a useful way to signify age as it is.
Mrs. Sheepie
bismuth would not be offended if people guessed wrong, at least
Mrs. Sheepie
when your scale is on a factor of hundreds or thousands it's a bit hard