Lord Lady
you ever just end up out in 17c (2f) weather with nothing but a thin hoodie and regret it a whole lot
Lord Lady
bc that's what you get for not checking the evening temperatures before leaving for work
Lord Lady
I powered through tho
Lord Lady
my mighty body heat was able to keep me up for the 40 minutes I was outside
zee art
jesus god
zee art
you’re a beast
zee art
also, to your question which was not a question, no. never in my life. unrelatable content
Lord Lady
you've never regretted being outside in bitterly cold weather?
Lord Lady
that's metal
zee art
no!! it doesn’t get that cold and also i dress appropriately!!!
zee art
it’s definitely never been 2 degrees
Lord Lady
i have taken out the trash in temperatures like that without a coat, because i am dumb, but you are the winner
checking the mail in flip-flops when it's 15 degrees out, the northerner life
zee art
zee art
sounds horrible.
zee art
https://images.plurk.com/2MLmO0s0lstCnAnlSsQDgp.jpg i did the mail like this one time but that was different
zee art
i had just come back from cross country skiing all over the place
zee art
also it was probably like, 28 at coldest
Lord Lady
if you ever really want to flex on people you take out the trash during extremely cold weather in your shorts
Lord Lady
sure it's not far but anyone who sees you will go "goddamn"
Lord Lady
no shoes is hardmode
zee art
zee art
no shoes would finish me
zee art
also who is even wearing shorts in the winter time, you say things that i hate
Lord Lady
7c (44.6f) is short weather