in fairness to the tea thing, a LOT of companies color code tea boxes by what base tea variety it is (herbal, green, black, rooibos—that kind of thing)
"juice". Like, is it apple? Cranberry? Pineapple? What's the expiration date? Don't be like me and drink the cider that I didn't know was in there for a month, went "huh. That tastes tang-y" and realize weeks later it's because it was fermented and alcoholic!
2. why do they need to be refrigerated you haven't even cut them u fuckin animal 3. who needs two watermelons at the same time how many people are you feeding
"My kiddos are not nutritarians yet (bwah-ha-ha!). I limit their dairy intake and they eat tons of veggies (raw and cooked). They also have two meat-free meals weekly, so they are getting there."
"These foods are to be eaten in unlimited quantities, but think big. Since they have a negative caloric effect, the more you eat, the more you lose. Raw foods also have a faster transit time through the digestive tract and result in lower glucose response"
and encourage more weight loss than their cooked counterparts. The object is to eat as many raw vegetables as possible, with a goal of one pound (sixteen ounces) daily"
3. who needs two watermelons at the same time how many people are you feeding
Doesn't...doesn't that describe all fridges though
dairy products
animal products
fruit juice
between-meal snacks"
the more you eat, the more you lose
become a maw, endless, devouring