an observation... This "progressive" Canadian TV show has had some pretty obvious queer content. So, that's her son, and her boyfriend are partners, and dance and maybe kiss. Her boss is a lesbian, and there's a lesbian kiss. The main character has a male partner (straight) and have repeatedly made out pretty blatently.
pretty sure that people have complained about "shoving the gay agenda down our throats". Though was there any public complaint about shoving the straight agenda (blatant sexual content, but not quite enough to trigger higher ratings) down anyone's throat? Hey, I am not keen on the sexual stuff and all that. No matter who's doing it.
It's actually overall pretty good, just observing that a "lesbian kiss" is seen as progressive when "straight makeout" is kind of "dull".
There’s probably complaints about all the sexual content regardless of whether it’s gay or straight. Sex sells, but those same people who are buying are going to complain about it in public.
Yeah, there is certain some, "people will complain" aspects.
I'm totally gonna start protesting The Straight Agenda
Some people have suggested that...
I just haven't managed to come up with or hear it in the past. there's got to be a tshirt
presumably, the Gay Agenda is written on rainbow paper?
Arbieroo : I believe there are rainbow agendas, and gay people may write agendas on them. So, yeah...
I had a classmate who had a shirt...
well like this https://images.plurk.com/XCDHyF0KLWTElbjZLibwD.jpg
Love that shirt! LOL
Some people.