possibly dumb question: how do you know if you're too much of a wimp about pain for a tattoo?
and also: how old is too old to get one? >.>
I can answer the second one: the (age) limit doesn't exist
I just finally have one I really want, but, well, I just turned 45, so I worry I'm too old :/
If you know what you want, get it
Doesn't matter if you're 100+
red wolf
literally any age
red wolf
I mean you can get a tattoo
red wolf
45 is def not too old lmao
Never too old
I guess it's just the whole "will this look terrible in a few years" sort of concern :/
red wolf
well I think they look neat on older people!! but I also think that's more like a concern for ten or twenty years
red wolf
and I would say it's more about how long you can tolerate the pain. it's not much worse than getting your eyebrows threaded
red wolf
start with something small, in an area where there aren't a lot of nerves
 HEROphelia 
I think it also depends on where you get it. A friend of my mother’s has one on her ankle that hasn’t warped at all and looks perfect aside from being faded. Not all areas of the body experience as much change as we age.
I just turned 46, and I got one last year. Go for it!
A good artist will check in with you frequently to make sure you're OK, and they'll take breaks if you need to.