Cute Quinn
container. Ivy's having a time
Cute Quinn
ShaynaIsHere talk to me about this thing where Nita can talk to objects
Cute Quinn
so we can sort out how this is going to go
Oh! It's the Speech: as canon goes, everything alive loves to hear it.
(That, and this is a dream, so the clause I use in Hugs where 'only things definitively made by the Powers will respond to it' doesn't have to apply here.)
Cute Quinn
So if she talks to the doll what would happen
Check the third paragraph in the history section here!
If it's got any inclination to respond, it will! It can be surly, or counter Nita's logic, but you're in charge of the personality this doll can have.
Cute Quinn
Inasmuch as inanimate objects have personality; they definitely do in the YW books, but only really get heard by those in tune with them - and those aren't always wizards.
Cute Quinn
the doll in question is a doll that Ivy's dad made her when she was younger, which she was originally bound to as a ghost but is otherwise unremarkable
Cute Quinn
no magic powers or anything
/nod/ That's fine! There doesn't have to be an independent spirit within the matter for it to have opinions on its situation. ;-)
It's a little like animism, but not quite.
(Per canon, Kit's the one who ends up talking to non-organic beings, like cars and rocks and such. Nita starts out able to 'hear' plants better, but their specialties evolve a lot more after that.)
Love Snake Kaja
Oh! You're playing from Young Wizards, that's neat!
Love Snake Kaja
And yeah, the Speech is interesting.
Love Snake Kaja Yes! =D
It's such a niche canon. Playing with it can be complex as hell, but I haven't had nearly as much trouble with it as I'd expected.