Quoted in this article: “Notwithstanding the severity of the crisis it faces at home, [the CCP] is incapable of not playing politics,” [Cole] said. “It never misses an opportunity to assail the iingwen administration, and to split Taiwanese society.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/on...
Taiwan’s election shows that Australia needs to take seriously the gap between Taiwan’s aspiration for a democratic political future and the destiny envisioned for it by the CCP. https://www.aspistrategist.org.au/what-tsais-re-elec...
"Beijing preventing Taiwan from joining the WHO is another glaring example of how party ideologies have trumped pragmatism.. Xi’s technocrats are allowing the control of the one-party state to take precedence over sharing information." - jwassers
Piecing together the events in Wuhan shows that for at least three weeks, city authorities were informed the coronavirus was spreading but issued orders to suppress the news. In effect, they engineered a cover-up Subscribe to read | Financial Times
Why is China’s younger generation more pro-government than the previous generation?