This is awesome! Wonder if it would work for cats.
Dog Learns to Talk by Using a Special Soundboard Tha...
That is very cool! And Happy Birthday! If Eddie had a talking board, it would probably only have 2 words on it... OUT and FOOD and he'd just hit one and then the other until it all broke.
I know that George understands quite a few words, even taken out of context, but it would be amazing to see him actually choose his own words in reply, or to ask for things. He's a bit of a crazyboy tho and it would be just constant BALL BALL BALL OUTSIDE BALL BALLBALL lol
cats allegedly identify fewer human words than dogs do. Their intelligence might reasonably be concentrated in different areas than social communication (which dogs do more among themselves anyway).
isle : Thank you! I’m so glad to see you here! I was just thinking of you this morning.
sef_lopod : That makes sense. Cats don’t focus on humans as much as dogs do. I know my cat knows what she’s not supposed to do (she’ll either turn her head away and ignore us or stop as soon as we say her name, depending on what she’s doing), and she talks a little (she can say “put me down”…a requirement since the boys were little when we first got her). :-)
OMG, my cat would be talking all day, except when he is asleep.
Roqy would give me a piece of his mind. (LOL)
That is pretty neat, though.
L Halanksmas☞
cat: want your death
Pretty neat! I’m fairly sure cats’ first words would be along the lines of “took you long enough!”