Jingle Witch
Where am I from? Big Hats. Where I am currently? a world's fair forty years a go (They're still not over it) and marmots.

Jingle Witch
What is a marmot you asked? That's fine. Most people outside of my town don't know.

Isn't it a weasel type creature?

Jingle Witch
Close? It's more like a beaver without the tail.

Jingle Witch
Or like nutria if they lived in the ground and not the water.

Jingle Witch
They're rodents the size of cocker spaniels whatever they are.

Jingle Witch
Anyway we get so many spring and summer they're basically an unofficial mascot and kind of a local joke around here.

Jingle Witch
The ones the parks know that they can sometimes get food from people and are almost tame. It's weird.

Jingle Witch
not completely without cuteness

Jingle Witch