Dragons Dragons
[prisma??] so i guess i'm apping here. mistake? maybe, but i've been stalking the game for a while and i miss a lot of people who play there
Dragons Dragons
i was considering three characters and mini helped me pick, so
Dragons Dragons
the only thing i'm stuck on is moonblessing because i had them picked out for the other two, so the natural thought would be to pick the leftover one in case i app them later on, but nothing about sanguis appeals to me aside from being my favourite colour.
Fiery Grump
Fiery Grump
it's a lot of fun. lots to do. maybe... too much to do? sometimes? but it's fun
who are you going with app-wise
Dragons Dragons
Tsukishima Marina! https://images.plurk.com/5bybzyCaXCQ0siYleasqyA.png Bandori's token Grown-Ass Adult, although the screencap might throw you since this series doesn't do the "adults are at least one head taller than teenagers" thing.
Dragons Dragons
(Which always weirded me out, as someone who was taller than half the adults in my life by the time I was 9, but I digress.)
was she going to finish that first sentence with "gay"
Dragons Dragons
Despite being known for this, https://images.plurk.com/2qCZLffd4LVHM6JZQSC0Vp.gif the "constant panic mode" thing is a fandom exaggeration and I think she'd probably fit in fairly well.
Dragons Dragons
veth : Considering this series, I wouldn't doubt it if she were.
NekoInc, MSPM
I would love to interact with her, yes, though I do not know Bandori directly
oh nice!
Dragons Dragons
...one minute you decide to take a night off video editing because you won't get it done on time for friday anyway, the next thing you know, your app is done.
NekoInc, MSPM
Dragons Dragons
thankfully I didn't have to cut down my personality section, it was under 1,000 words... side character power