SO HAPPY THOUGH OMFG. I was thinking so much of my old friends and the first book I wrote and they're all innnnnnnnnnnnn it and yeeeesssss and omfg this is the one who even had dreams about MY DAD being mad scientisty and omfg he is gonna be like
SHE IS SUCH A GREAT FRIEND ROFL I Always felt bad for just failing to keep up with everyone but I felt silly being like "NOTHING TO SAY SHHH LET ME NINJA" but omfg she was SUPER INTO MMORPGS and Ragnarok and alskdjalksdjalskdjs Her basement was where we all tried to not wuss out on Stephen King binges
And Storm from X-Men. And just laksdjalksjdalksjd I live in a town of genuine geniuses btw, so she's one of many but I just loved her for like, knowing how to aggressively chill IF THAT MAKES ANY SENSE -- if it doesn't; imagine a town of workaholics /sob
if we weren't both trying to be way too cool for this shit just imagine two fangirls squeeing "eeeeeeeeeeeeee" at each other and flailing for 30 minutes solids lmfao
lmfao I was telling Luffy-bro to be careful too, because he is not without God's plans either!!! And I was teasing him on Matthew Murdoch stuff and omfg
And he was saying he was a little lost -ish in that he has the PASSION about law and justice, but it's hard for him because he's Luffy not Matthew Murdoch and now I am just ??????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Because I was saying, "fighting for native rights is VERY MUCH a legal battle now!!!" but he was saying he missed heaven basically um to quote, "I keep trying to remember, the longing is a reminder to go to church!!"
Please don't eat my plant tree (Jonah Reference, look it up for those who don't get it) I swear I am nooooooooot just waiting for others to be smited -- RATHER LITERALLY I AM TRYING TO MAKE SURE NO ONE IS SMITED D: I SWEAR
I'm finally up on melatonin so I'm conking out but much love and joy <3333333333 re-explain to Dad for me if he doesn't remember Star as well as the boys (because D&D) she was the pharmacologist lawyer
As Moosey, Sharon, Mags, etc. can testify the only way is to just be Tashigi "I'm coming too!" I'll be relieved, worried, and Ohana, but Never wait for me or worry about me licking my paw. Come the fuck to me and don't let me try to Smoker it alone lol
and I remember now the day I went in for the endoscopy and wearing my batman shirt for inner strength and scaring the fuck out of the anaesthesiologist
sooooo Byleth lmfao. My Dad is five-ever "miracle child" and touching my face CENSORED STATESIDE because he FREAKED OUT when I kind of died Poor Daddy. Remember too, I was literally born on his birthday and he was going to make me a mini-him :V
A person with a disability cannot be asked to remove his service animal from the premises unless: (1) the dog is out of control and the handler does not take effective action to control it or (2)
the dog is not housebroken. When there is a legitimate reason to ask that a service animal be removed, staff must offer the person with the disability the opportunity to obtain goods or services without the animal’s presence.
he recovers but then our mRNA is interfered with so we easily burn through any reserves but don't assume perma-damage because DERP GUESS WHO HAD AND WAS WRONG /two thumbs to self
I was telling people yesterday that you were one of the reasons I came back to MA because I do stretches alone but it's BORING whereas with you around we try to just out pretzel each other when the other isn't expecting it
omg my poor roommate. She's recovering from a stroke and nearly 90 and WHEREAS HONESTLY MY HEALTH REACHED SO BAD I WAS JUST "diapers are fine " she refuses, but she isn't able to get to the bathroom without walker and help -- and so yeaaaaaah
and ofc my goal for getting out of Whittier is 1) stairs daily and additionally as needed~ 2) take Robbie on walks anywhere within 4000 steps-ish at any time without dying from it
also omg I am a vampire. I couldn't sleep because migraines for days and last night they upped my melatonin so I was straight out like a baby but my poor roomie didn't get any D:
And that I definitely didn't need them XD I was like "I was the only one of four kids who didn't have any as a babby though so consequently I am the least clear of the four now!!!" But they still were like "YEAH STILL DON'T NEED US LOL"
although now you're making me think of Lysithea's parents jfc I'm fineYOU CHANGE THE UNIVERSE JUST BY SURVIVING IN A GOOD WAY
CENSORED STATESIDEbecause he FREAKED OUT when I kind of died Poor Daddy. Remember too, I was literally born on his birthday and he was going to make me a mini-him :VSTAR!
2) take Robbie on walks anywhere within 4000 steps-ish at any time without dying from it