July, July
I know what I'm leaning for with Bianca but I've still gotta decide what I'll be doing with Lex besides 'aggravating everyone' and seeing how long it takes for the NPCs to decide he isn't worth the frustration.
I mean there's a lot of room to rise in the power structure of a corporation that rules a world and many ways STuff could be exploited, including ways to empower him against like Superman if he chooses to go back home
July, July
atippleofyourtears: Yeah, mostly I'm trying to decide is whether to have Lex try to integrate himself into the corporate structure, or keep close to the 'ground' as it were, where access to Stuff would be easier to gain.
July, July
Because him trying to do the first would be very interesting from a jamjar perspective because usually players of corporate type characters tend towards starting up their own businesses, versus trying to make their way up the ladder of a preexisting structure.
yeah usually they built their own thing
There is a lab where the lab dude experiments with stuff so that's a thing
Trying to insinuate yourself into the RnD part
July, July
honestly I think it would depend on how pencilneck/middle management-minded what's there of the corporation is in this post-apocalyptic setting?
Oh btw I've forgotten to ask, tell me about Bianca. :|a
July, July
Zita : She's one of the supporting ones for DC's Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes flavor). In that book's run her thing is basically filling the role of parent reacting to 'teenager disappears to help save the world but disappears for like a year only to show up after everyone thinks he's probably dead and have done their best to start moving on'.
July, July
in preboot canon she's a nurse and her husband is a mechanic, and they spend most of the book getting used to the idea of 'actually, our son is a Superman-level powerful superhero and aliens want him'
Ohhh, Jaime's mom!
I kind of know who that is!
(I read a couple issues of blue beetle a very long time ago)
July, July
her original pullpoint for Tushan was basically after EVERYONE had a big damn heroes moment and she'd had time to get used to all of that craziness.
I'd missed a last name in conversations so I was like "this is... a comics person... i think...?"
July, July
aha oh no! it happens.
July, July
In Tushan she basically played both medical support with a player set up clinic she ended up being one of the ones in charge of after the originating character was dropped and emotional support for a bunch of teenagers, including quasi-villainous ones.
July, July
So since I'm pulling her as CRAU from that game (which was A While Back) she's a lot more comfortable with the weird jamjar shit and adapting to this sort of nonsense.
The situation with jorgmund is like super weird because even though nothing is really magical about it, it's almost like jorgmund is this collective of people vying for power and because they are, it's like a parasitic organism. There is no single guiding evil, it's a bunch of people collectively being terrible
Like there's a creepy thing of like the ceo will act all animated and talk to people and social when being part of Jorgmund and he just sits at his desk and the lights aren't one when The Company doesn't need him doing anything.
It's creepy and a little soul sucking
And it has a monopoly on literally everything, including running the government because there was no competition and society got wrekt
It's a corporate invasive species
Someone with ego, someone with presence, someone with ambition could absolutely warp the whole thing around themselves, so far it's a weird colony organism, there is no single figure that sort of genuinely owns it. If the ceo failed it, there'd just be another ceo shoved in that spot. But someone who would make it their company would be a little terrifying
So that's one possible angle. Another is hoarding powerful stuff through missions in the wild. Another is insinuating himself into Stuff RnD
July, July
atippleofyourtears: Yeah. I'm thinking I might wait and see how it actually plays out in game, what sort of vibes/infi they give that Lex can find out because while he's very... competitive and a complete asshole in a lot of ways he's very much a 'I want the best for humanity (which is the things I want for humanity)'
July, July
So I think this is one of those situations where what happens will depend on what the characters' initial experience in game is.
Man yeah one of the chilling scenes in the source book is the protagonist discovering that there is no guiding evil, it's just vile machine with nothing guiding it.
July, July
Because without Superman, in STAS at least, Lex's main deal is being a shitty person who doesn't mind crushing a few people under his corporate heel if it works for his Ideals of a better future/better Metropolis+planet (ideally with his name plastered on everything).