You Are a Northern Cardinal! You’re musically talented and may sing pretty much all day long when you’re inspired. You’re steady and reliable, and people love you for sharing your beautiful gifts. You’re fairly low-key about most things, but sometimes want to protect your personal space from others.
About Northern Cardinals The Northern Cardinal’s voice and plumage make it so popular that it’s the state bird of seven states, more than any other bird (Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia, and West Virginia).
Cardinals often associate with other cardinals during fall and winter, but are very territorial during the breeding season, sometimes even trying to drive away their own reflection if they notice it in a window or car mirror.
They feed on a wide assortment of insects and some fruits and seeds, often visiting bird feeders. Non-migratory, they can survive extremely cold winters if they have enough food; bird feeders help their survival, especially in northern states.
WHAT BIRD ARE YOU MOST LIKE? – Cornell Lab Publishin...
You’re musically talented and may sing pretty much all day long when you’re inspired. You’re steady and reliable, and people love you for sharing your beautiful gifts. You’re fairly low-key about most things, but sometimes want to protect your personal space from others.
The Northern Cardinal’s voice and plumage make it so popular that it’s the state bird of seven states, more than any other bird (Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia, and West Virginia).