ʟɨօռ ɦɛǟʀƭɛɖ
Disability/SSI I know a fair few of y'all on here have this so.... does anyone have any input, advice, tips, etc on how to fucking survive waiting on this to pan out?
ʟɨօռ ɦɛǟʀƭɛɖ
just.... we're in a bad bad place and I'm honestly at a loss for what to do
/bumps, because I know people on my timeline have been through this suffering. /hugs
E.S. Levi
I...took a maybe ill-advised route of working a job that was bad for my health, but. One important thing: you can apply for food stamps before getting approved for disability/SSI, and they generally go through in a month or less.
ʟɨօռ ɦɛǟʀƭɛɖ
we've been trying to get food stamps for over a year and been repeatedly denied
ʟɨօռ ɦɛǟʀƭɛɖ
the lawyer we've talked to has said that if either of us are working then they claim will never get approved since if you're working then you're clearly not disabled
ʟɨօռ ɦɛǟʀƭɛɖ
but at the same time I legit have no idea if we can not get evicted?
E.S. Levi
......That doesn't sound right, considering not working or looking for work can get you kicked off food stamps.
E.S. Levi
If you're not on disability, they want proof that you're trying to sustain yourself, rather than just trying to live off of welfare.
E.S. Levi
It might, though, be that you're earning too much for food stamps, despite not earning enough to get by...
ʟɨօռ ɦɛǟʀƭɛɖ
I know we've been to a stupid class on how to file paperwork and whatnot like 4 times?
E.S. Levi
The paperwork can be a killer, yeah...they'll use any mistake as an excuse to deny you.
ʟɨօռ ɦɛǟʀƭɛɖ
they said my wife had a medical excuse and I was working so like.... it should have been fine but denied every time
ʟɨօռ ɦɛǟʀƭɛɖ
partially the state was looking at my income for just me not both of us because I can't support my wife but if I had a husband it'd count for both of us, fucking douchecanoes
E.S. Levi
Ugh, of course.
ʟɨօռ ɦɛǟʀƭɛɖ
so me alone I made too much
and like, ya'll are legally married
ʟɨօռ ɦɛǟʀƭɛɖ
but I've been out of work for months now
E.S. Levi
That sounds like something to maybe go to the ACLU about.
yes please talk to the ACLU
E.S. Levi
Because if you're legally married, then you should count as a single household for all this.
like I count as a single person household since im single but you two shouldn't be having this same issue
E.S. Levi
They're denying you part of the legal benefits of marriage because they personally don't see gay marriage as valid, and that sort of 'ignoring legal rights because of personal biases' BS is part of what the ACLU is for.
ʟɨօռ ɦɛǟʀƭɛɖ
I don't know 100% that's what it is buuuuuuuut I've talked to others in similar situations and since the marriage is het they have no issues
Also according to some quick research you can be working while filing, but you have to watch HOW much you make. there is a certain level for cut off, but gods it's like just a little over $1000 a month.
neko said what i was going to say - i think the rules apply to the rules for working while receiving disability
ʟɨօռ ɦɛǟʀƭɛɖ
Jess works full time and barely even makes that so like
but from the shit you've told me that office has put you guys though? I definitely think they are denying you the rights you should have
ʟɨօռ ɦɛǟʀƭɛɖ
like I make more then a grand a month, though just barely- and I work fast food
i wish i had more concrete advice but my filing situation was unique and it was a long time ago so i don't....really have anything i can offer but my support
...That's weird, they count me and Sao as a single household because we're married??? For food stamps.
ʟɨօռ ɦɛǟʀƭɛɖ
Lansing office vs Southfield probably
Also let's not forget that the last time you guys checked up on it they thought the household was making 26K/year for some inexplicable reason
Well I mean even out there. o_O They counted us as married. So I'm. WTF?
ʟɨօռ ɦɛǟʀƭɛɖ
ʟɨօռ ɦɛǟʀƭɛɖ
(why are we out of Southfield over an hour away instead of Pontiac 20 minutes down the road anyway)
E.S. Levi
Might've been a different, less homophobic person handling the case.
E.S. Levi
It's likely that the law says that married individuals count as a single household, but some workers are saying 'well, I don't believe in gay marriage, so I'm going to treat them as though they're not married'.
oh don't get me started on the work requirements bullshit
E.S. Levi
And don't be afraid to threaten legal action.
honeslty just brining up the ACLU might get some wheels turning
ʟɨօռ ɦɛǟʀƭɛɖ
since I'm out of work (again) now I reapped for SNAP
E.S. Levi
Honestly, yeah. A lot of the time, just showing willingness to bring in a lawyer will make them change their tune.
ʟɨօռ ɦɛǟʀƭɛɖ
and I won't be able to actually like... even try to get back to work until a few weeks post-op
ʟɨօռ ɦɛǟʀƭɛɖ
but idk if they care that I have a reason
E.S. Levi
That's what lawyers are for.
E.S. Levi
Legally speaking, 'temporary disability' is a thing.
Yeah so long as you have a doctor fighting for you and willing to go, "She can't work in this state" they should cover you???
E.S. Levi
It covers when you're laid up by an injury that's expected to heal, but currently leaves you incapable of working.
But yeah uh. I'm very baffled why they aren't counting you as married because they really should be.
E.S. Levi
E.S. Levi
It's all I can think of, that they're deciding they don't think gay marriage is 'real' marriage and thus are ignoring it.
ʟɨօռ ɦɛǟʀƭɛɖ
I've tried applying for temp disability before too but idk now that they want to do like 3 surgeries to fix my legs maybe I can get the temp thinf
you're definitely going to be temp disabled at
LEAST, yes
E.S. Levi
I think temp normally goes through faster, too.
E.S. Levi
For one thing, it's on the assumption that it's not expected to be the status quo, so there's less scrutiny and suspicion of being a 'welfare queen'. For another...if it takes you two years to get approved for a condition that was only expected to last 8 months, that's not...gonna fly...
ʟɨօռ ɦɛǟʀƭɛɖ
yeah idk idk I can try and apply and see what happens???
E.S. Levi
They can get away with that with hospice patience because they can't exactly raise a stink if they die before getting approved (which...sadly, they do pull that), but temporary disability means the patient is expected to recover to a point of being able to do something if they're still in bureaucratic limbo by then.
Brain too dead to read everything, so apologies if I am repeating anything already said...
A few things I learned going through my process. One is that food stamps are at the state level, and here art least, not based on disability directly. Where I am, the state helps with foodstamps and medical insurance so long as the following are true: I make less than X a month income, I have less than Y in the bank (they have never given me a clear cut
answer as to the values represented by X and Y, mind you) and I am one of the following: doing state mandated work in exchange for the food stamps, on disability, actively applying for disability.
So if I was working, I could still get foodstamps and medical aid if my income was low, so long as I am also going to whatever work they send me out to do for a certain number of hours a month to "earn" my foodstamps.
However, I started while in the appeals process for disability and was expedited through on foodstamps and never had to do the work. (given I found out later that the jobs they send people on tend to be on the dangerous side because they're jobs no one else wants.... yeah, I would not have been able to do that.)
On the disability side. That is Federal, HOWEVER, the paperwork is processed locally. I was YEARS fighting to try and get disability where I used to live. When I moved everything started happening fast. The state I am in processes disability differently than where I had been, and while the money is Federal, the decision and appeals is state based.
One more big thing I learned, there are multiple kinds of Disability. SSI is one, but it isn't the only one, and frankly, it is harder to get
Apply for all forms of Disability offered that you might even possibly apply for.
and keep ALL PAPERWORK from the process.
Oh, and lesson I learned the hard way, set up an ABLE account ASAP. (I still need to do that, not having done it cost me a few thousand dollars I needed for my dental work.)
Some forms of Disability like SSI do look at your finances. I was denied SSI because I live with one parent or the other and do not pay rent. They also look at your bank account potentially. Foodstamps in my state very much looks at your bank account.
I got my disability backpay and decided to be responsible and save a chunk of it for dental work. The State said that I had too much money to need support and cut off my medical insurance payments. So I had to rush and spend down the money from my savings to get back under the threshold. So I no longer have money for my teeth.
But a friend of mine did research after the fact and told me that an ABLE account is a placer you can legally deposit money that can't be counted against you for Disability or other government benefits, but that money can ONLY legally be used for medical expenses.
So yeah, that's about all I got, hope it helps.
E.S. Levi
I thought ABLE money could be used for anything that helps move toward independence, including stuff like transportation or equipment that makes it easier to compensate for your disability.
E.S. Levi : ABLE is a lot more restrictive than it seems. But it's basically, you can't use it for anything other than "I need this to live and only that."
E.S. Levi
So...it actually wouldn't help me get together a deposit on an apartment, since I technically have a roof over my head, even if it's run down and barely livable.
Probably not. :'D
It's. Stupid restrictive.
And also you can only deposit a certain amount per year
E.S. Levi
...If that's the case, then this FAQ is flat out lying.
E.S. Levi
Qualified disability expenses are any expenses for the benefit of the account owner in maintaining or improving his or her health, independence, or quality of life.
I mean
E.S. Levi
These expenses include, but are not limited to, education, housing, transportation, employment, training and support, assistive technologies and related services, personal support services, or health and basic living expenses.
In this case you could probably make repairs but a move might be deemed non-necessity.
Also to have an ABLE account?
E.S. Levi
.......Repairs would likely be more expensive than an apartment deposit >_>;
Directly from the PDF: The onset of
symptoms of the person’s disability must have occurred
before age 26.
Yeah well government don't really fucking care. :T
E.S. Levi
Well, I'd already applied for disability by age 26...
E.S. Levi
But also, that's stupid?
But were you determined to be disabled prior to your 26th bday?
E.S. Levi
..................The determination is not onset of symptoms.
E.S. Levi
I had been to a doctor who had sent information about my disability by the time I was 26.
E.S. Levi
It would be an outright insane argument to claim that my symptoms set in after I applied for disability because of them.
Unfortunately, from experience, things only care about the judge order. :T
And when your slip of paper says you became disabled.
E.S. Levi
Well, considering benefits are retroactive to the date of application...
Depends, actually. So I hope it's favorable for you, but yeah, it's a stupid restriction.
ʟɨօռ ɦɛǟʀƭɛɖ
Just knowing that I can potentially do part time hours is a huge relief
Up to 25/hrs a week I believe?
E.S. Levi
Apparently there's legislation in the works to change the maximum age to 46, because yeah, it's stupid to assume people will have their lives in order and not be staring down significant and unavoidable expenses by 26.
ʟɨօռ ɦɛǟʀƭɛɖ
Under $1200 a month and under 20 hours
Ah, might have changed since I last looked.
ok. so. I need to go dig up the info, but let me get you my disability lawyer's info. also, you can get your case expedited if you are facing financial issues, especially being homeless or potentially becoming homeless. the lawyer can help with that. they'll know how to get that going for you
there's a 99.9% chance you will be denied upon initial application. that's just how they do things. but, that's why you need a good lawyer. you need someone who knows the right things to say to get you approved.
their website.
they're based in southfield and I only ever had to go to their office in person one time.
ʟɨօռ ɦɛǟʀƭɛɖ
!!! thank you Luca. The lawyer we talked to was.... kind of abrupt and idk.... terrifying?!?
no problem <333 and yeah. there's a lot of lawyers out there and not all of them are good. but this firm is great.
my first lawyer was SHIT.
and I got denied and then he told me to get more doctors visits in and reapply. and because I went that method I lost out on half of what I would have gotten if I had pressed on with that case. :\
but thenI found these guys and just cannot recommend them enough.
ʟɨօռ ɦɛǟʀƭɛɖ
yeah my mom did something similar. She only got back pay for like 3 years when it should have been idk... 7?
yeah. I first applied in 2011, got denied in 2013, didn't reapply until 2014? and then got that shit expedited when I wound up homeless in 2015. so I only got like 2 years backpay minus the lawyer fees.
I worked a part time while waiting for husbands, and we kinda made it by the skin of our left buttcheek waiting for my son's but it was expidited.