i dreamed mama was cast to play a secret agent who later becomes stepmother to three kids after a big case i've forgotten the details of, but while her three actual kids got to also be in the movie, we weren't the ones her character adopts...i think she was supposed to save their dad's life or something
the group was all heading towards a building in which lupin iii and friends (including the detective) were grimly preparing for a Final Showdown, lupin giving orders on who does what--the detective volunteered to be the decoy
while we were doing this secret agent movie outside there was actual secret agent danger going on, in other words (lupin's not a secret agent though?)
i remember mama momming everyone and talking chinese as we walked even though we were all on camera...at some point my siblings started barking at each other but i couldn't bring myself to join in even though i was smiling a lot
after we reached the filming site my brother bugged me about it so i made a vague attempt at a howl as i messed with a couple cute dogs that were with us, and as usual he dissed my dog imitation skills
meanwhile an actual secret agent was going in to do something about the lupin situation...the actual danger wasn't cops or anything, it was this tiny alien creature that was destroying/killing everything in sight
so like, it'd glance at a tapestry and shoot laser vision that incinerated it on the spot
a nice-looking lady who looked a little bit like my old apothecary oc happened to come across it at the door and it laser visioned her and she stared blankly down at the burned spot on her chest...this scene was just far enough away i couldn't tell if she'd just gotten burned or if her entire chest cavity had been incinerated
anyway something something secret agent headed in only to be stopped by some greasy fat rich guy in a white suit with lots of rings, and he told her what a great contribution she'd made to society and he was gifting her with--at this point a giant glass case dropped in that was split into two rooms full of gold coins
he was giving gold to both her and her partner! they just have to step into these booths!
there was a comment on how the partner's booth had less money in it, but more importantly the secret agent checked the other side to discover this thing was actually split into four rooms
on the other side were one booth with a dog and one both with what was probably a cat--once again my position was at just such an angle that i could only see the dog
the bad guys got out the dog and forced it into the cat room nd there was half a second of "are they trying to forcibly mate them?" but then i finally got to actually look in there and there were now three dogs and a baby deer
at first i thought the dogs were going to try to kill the deer (which i think the bad guy wanted) but after a while one of them started hopping along with it instead, and then another one started trying, and then the third....
the third found a gun
anyway so the agent left the scene because she didn't want to watch any more of this and she and her partner decided this situation had danger written all over it
the partner bailed immediately but the agent stepped into her booth and climbed into a closet in it, barring it from the inside as she waited for the bloodbath to begin
except then she decided this probably wasn't the best place to hide because 1. they expected her to go in here so they'd definitely come looking, and 2. there was no escape route
so she got out again and started running off though what looked like the second floor walkway of an outdoors mall? there was one place with a balcony overlooking the plaza below, and hou could see people with guns and crossbows stationed around the place at intervals
men and women alike, all dressed in civilian clothes but looking very serious and carrying walkie talkies....they were extremely obvious
so she took another path but this walkway was blocked by a gloomy-looking guy dressed in all black with either a bald (black) head or a skin-tight hoodie or something, and his face was painted white with black makeup and he was frowning down as he thought gloomy thoughts probably
oh yeah the agent was wearing a baseball cap and jacket and jeans and stuff, very sporty
anyway after some hesitation she managed to get around the guy somehow and into the dark staircase doorway behind him and that's about where my dream ends
i think it's implied her partner probably died