Mark (CG) "You're a bounty hunter, Harry" (lmao)
Mark (CG)
side note that I have read Harry Potter x Star Wars crossover fanfiction, come to think of it
What pairing? (ninja)
daniel radcliffe is about to play a dual-wielding guy (guns akimbo) so this is more or less perfect. xD
Mark (CG)
Faramond : luna lovegood. which was why i read it in the first place. My OTP stuck in my all time favorite setting (lmao)
Mark (CG) : LunaXLeia?! (ninja)
Mark (CG)
iirc the author made harry a Revan like gary stu character that's all ooh grey and the jedi order is wrong and he lives centuries and his dynasty rules an empire.
i didn't say it was a great fic :v
ahhhhhhh~~ (LOL)
Mark (CG)
seriously though luna lovegood is best girl
LOL~ even better when paired with Hermione, but uh... (ninja)
Mark (CG)
luna pairs well with a lot of characters because she's a kind soul /o/
Mark (CG)
I'm pretty sure i even saw a lunaxvoldemort once (lmao)
wth~ (haha)
There's only one true pairing for Voldemort. It's NevilleXVoldemort (haha)(ninja)
Mark (CG)
suddenly i wonder if someone made a Neville x Nagini pairing especially after learning she's a sweet lady who was cursed in the new movie
Well, that kinda results in a very interesting mental image, with Neville choking the snake or something. IDK.. (ninja)
Mark (CG)
would be a hell of a time explaining how nagini gets away with being a horcrux
(haha) let's leave some things for the imagination, ok?