Corpse Sniffer
also trying 2 think about future and possibly grad school or like a better job but then im like i am not smart enough at school
Corpse Sniffer
my whatever excellent high iq doesnt matter when i can't focus on a single thing and also afford it
Have you ever been diagnosed with ADD or EFD?
Corpse Sniffer
uhhhhhhh nno
Get tested! ADHD (I typoed) and EFD can both make focus impossible.
Corpse Sniffer
yeah ive been meaning to since i found a place that can do it here but also im like 'what if they misdiagnose me or nothing helps me and im stuck like this!!!'
Corpse Sniffer
ive i could focus and not be tired i could conquer the world tbh
If you don't like the diagnosis, you can get a second opinion, or look at online resources. I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder in 2019 and I had a hard time accepting it, but when I took a step back, I could see the signs.
Corpse Sniffer
yeah, its like a ton of what ive read about actual add stuff is something i can definitely relate to just hhhhh
Corpse Sniffer
i just dont know what would help b/c i just can't focus on anything and im way too tired
I feel you there. I wanted to get a ton of stuff done while I was on break, but it all culminated to Stardew Valley >>;;;
Corpse Sniffer
lol im just 'well time to play video games cause being at work makes me depressed'
Yeaaaaah. My job doesn't suck, per se, but it
s draining.
would rather play video games.