NaiLo Ren.
NaiLo Ren.
Tiny fluffy ginger child who I hadn’t seen since before thanksgiving showed his face again this Sunday
he’s alive and well. A little cleaner too. It looks like he just hid in my neighbors house during the rain
NaiLo Ren.
Also my front neighbors caught the one we’ve been calling squinty/pirate. They have a defect that makes one of their eyes half closed (probably due to inbreeding)
NaiLo Ren.
But she may get put up for adoption
NaiLo Ren.
And also this tiny black kitten that some other neighbors own just reappeared and she’s gotten a bit bigger and I just want to lay on top of her. This smol black cat child
NaiLo Ren.
I think there’s a few new ppl on the timeline so quick refresher
NaiLo Ren.
I have two cats. Athena and Horatio. Athena is about 7 and is all black and she is pique cat. Sassy attitude, athletic as hell, a hellion, all affection is on her terms
NaiLo Ren.
Horatio is a younger male. Gonna be 5 this year. He’s a fluffy snow shoe, he is the worst because he doesn’t know how to function as a real creature and is just too dumb to be alive
NaiLo Ren.
He’s just the worst
NaiLo Ren.
Those are my two personal cats. Athena is all indoors and I got her in 2012
NaiLo Ren.
Around 2015-2016 my neighbors right next door (not sharing my building) had a cat population boom. There were three unfixed cats and it got to 30+ cats at its height
NaiLo Ren.
Horatio comes from the second gen right before the boom
NaiLo Ren.
I earned my crazy cat lady cred early and because I was in a minimum wage job and losing my goddamn mind, I basically did the leg work of looking up the laws, figuring out what I could do, and proceeded to because a goddamn cat vigilante
NaiLo Ren.
Animal control is far too overworked in my city and financially they couldn’t do much of anything about the issue except talk to the lady with the cats. This solves nothing because she hardly speaks English and comes from an entirely different culture surrounding animals
NaiLo Ren.
Basically the cats were starving, had infections, were gross as hell but she didn’t care
NaiLo Ren.
So I got a majority of these cats captured, taken to the shelter for the TNR Program, and adopted. And through a lot of community help from Facebook and plurk I was able to feed them when I hardly had money to feed myself.
NaiLo Ren.
I am down to the last few cats from the initial boom, and now we are slowly catching the ones who have never left that house since it’s easier for them to approach us with out an entire large group of cats being dicks about their food source
NaiLo Ren.
I’m hoping to take the last few of my main crew to the shelter and see if they can get adopted because I have basically socialized the hell out of them to the point that they will wait outside my door
NaiLo Ren.
So if u r in the Bay Area and want a cat PLEASE COME TAKE ONE OR TWO JFC