→ yard sard
[BBB] we're watching the first episodes!
ohhhhhh, Blood Blockade?
→ yard sard
time to rook : we're on episode two and it's already so wild
→ yard sard
aw shit I hope you enjoy!!
→ yard sard
finally catching up on more Nightow
I enjoyed BBB a lot (the manga more, but I did like a lot of the anime)
→ yard sard
getting a kick out of it so far
→ yard sard
I'm digging every single character so far
time to rook
i love bbb
→ yard sard
yeah! your recommendation is what helped us narrow it down when stick's brother wanted to watch anime with us
→ yard sard
DANG that was fun
→ yard sard
I think we watched five episodes
→ yard sard
everyone that appeared onscreen became my new favorite character???
time to rook
haha same
time to rook
i don'
time to rook
t know if you've met the vampires yet?
time to rook
once you meet them, imagine THAT but with knives and this is why i know trigun max would be such a fun visual anime
time to rook
the way they move is so good.
→ yard sard
we've only been introduced to them briefly! but I do remember you mentioning that now
→ yard sard
if we can get stick's brother's crunchyroll login info, we can catch more...
holy shipp
Omg enjoy
→ yard sard
I am very much enjoying
→ yard sard
we were saying that this seems to be just what you get when you rip Nightow's limiter off
holy shipp
It really is