baru juga dua hari tidur siang mulu di rumah di rumah udah kemeng ini leher
smartwatch/fitness tracker yang udah bisa deteck kadar kolesterol belum ada yah ?
🍉 fifaatm
Kalo koles kudu pake sample darah sih
soalnya sekarang udah ada fitness band yang bisa nampilin kadar oksigen darah.. mbuh piye iku detek e tanpa sample darah
🍉 fifaatm
Kalo kadar oksigen alatnya sih emg yg cuma ditancepin ke ujung jari. (Punya memi gitu)
🍉 fifaatm
The pulse oximeter works out the oxygen saturation by comparing how much red light and infra red light is absorbed by the blood. Depending on the amounts of oxy Hb and deoxy Hb present, the ratio of the amount of red light absorbed compared to the amount of infrared light absorbed changes