Also I know NOTHING about planting/gardening/growing vegetation despite the fact that my Granny loves plants. I was never interested and my poor mom was never any good though she loves pretty things. I always felt bad 'cause she wanted a garden once.
I have a better memory for random tidbits than actual fact. Also, I have a selective memory? Usually I'll remember tiny things but not the whole picture. It's very frustrating.
But it's the same reason I haven't invested in a pet yet. Too lazy and irresponsible these days. Maybe in the future I'll shape up.... you know.... once I'm 60 or something. X3
I really wanna get like a good indoor fern. They have stuff that are ultra low maintenance. Every time I have succulents it goes poorly because it's so dark in the basement and like. Cold
Huh. I just discovered a RPgame I used to be in is still around. I'm surprised. It's been some years since I left. (randomly here because didn't want to make new plurk)
Did...did they grab them from a mission because that's all I can think of. Some of them would be with the edible item from the train stock. But others.....
The one plant I know for sure 47 knows how to cultivate: tomato. It's what's seen in the brief snippet of his garden. At least with any detail. Old graphics...
So also it turns out... you don't actually need soil for plants to grow. It's just more convenient and a natural occurrence in nature. I mean... go...figure.............. desert plants..... right. /facepalm
...everytime I accidentally fall into the trap of rereading old threads I want to play that character again. Especially Giovanni Auditore. I miss Papauditore.
On a completely different thread, I have no idea what the barriers actually look like... much less what they're comprised of or how they work. Whether they're physical or magical or just plain walls.
It's really no patronizing! It could be interpreted either way though. 47 has a rather bland voice most of the time and most of his jokes are play on words that sound innocent if you don't know that he's a killer. XD
Meanwhile, I just read the prompts for the TDM and imagining if the train goes to a place with an actual mission along those lines. 47 just like "the fuck is this" and "this is not a mission" and what do.
I MEAN. He has skills. He could do things. He would not enthused. He was promised missions. This is not a mission. This is just attempting to blend in for him.
making shit updoing a lot of "insert correct instructions here" comments. XDboth. both is good. bothalso me: probably not
But hey! Complete sentences! He's found a hobby on the train, yay!
It's what's seen in the brief snippet of his garden. At least with any detail. Old graphics...