Fαωn Dεω
https://images.plurk.com/5WH3YqBBqf4ifh0nrTNTil.jpg https://images.plurk.com/2hX0Z8KFzwVv5yIRmZhxT5.jpg https://images.plurk.com/cOTsdeCVfXkPo5R172Ki0.jpg https://images.plurk.com/23AdHB2wGM6nMSqivJ4xQP.jpg https://images.plurk.com/7E9UcGNuLCFyfLyBZPu3Ze.jpg https://images.plurk.com/6HpjdIJ3m2KwMxbHQRigHw.jpg https://images.plurk.com/2IH6BXTHi4J7BQnWFRtrkZ.jpg https://images.plurk.com/1b6NXU7OPmKXPkKWr2LdZ8.jpg I found some of these hidden away in my yarn stash, these are all the work of my late grandmother, all thread.
Fαωn Dεω
there are hundreds more of these in and among her things. these are just the ones i happen to have in my room
Fαωn Dεω
there are others three times the size of the largest of these as well, that just blow my mind for how long they must have taken
Fαωn Dεω
we honestly have SO many the sad thing is many of them are somewhat yellowed from time and what not. There are several hatbox's full of these all over the place cus she spent so much time working on them
Fαωn Dεω
we've talked about listing them for sale before, at least some of them just because we have so many, but honestly its so hard to tell how much they would be worth
How beautiful, you're so lucky to have so many.
My grandmother had several but my aunt threw them
This makes me want to get some more thread [the stuff I had got nibbled by silverfish] and do some for here.
When we moved here, found the one I'd made for my spouse to give him mom when we first met.
these are so cool
Crafty Demon
Try soaking in vinegar, baking and soda and hot water
Aww Those are all very lovely too. Wow.
Fαωn Dεω
✴Sparkling✴ : I'll give that a try and see if it helps!
Fαωn Dεω
i need to see if i can get some of the bigger ones out to take photos of cus they are incredible