Cuddly Cactus
Hi all! I'm going to be available for rune casting and tarot readings this evening again if anyone is interested!
Cuddly Cactus
Actually I'll be available the next couple of evenings
Cuddly Cactus
I'll be doing a three card spread for tarot readings and a three rune cast for runes.
Cuddly Cactus
I should be getting out of work around 4:30 EST but you can always drop me your question sooner and I'll respond when I get off work
Cuddly Cactus
as always tips appreciated but by no means required
clone theory
I've never tried rune reading! I'd be interested in one for the novelty on my end and the practice on yours, if you'd like to c:
Cuddly Cactus
Cuddly Cactus
you can drop me your question in a PP whenever you like