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"If you worked every single day, making $5000/day, from the time Columbus sailed to America, to the time you are reading this tweet, you would still not be a billionaire, and you would still have less money than Jeff Bezos makes in a week." If You Made $5,000 a Day Starting in 1492, Would You...

That sort of makes me feel ill.


I'm not really popular in my social circle because I believe billionaires don't need to exist, while others believe it's a fair reward for their hard work

and when I try to explain something, like, the Delaware loophole they don't even see

People who privately own more than a 100 million should not exist. Money should go back into the company and/or to the workers and/or to the contractors ... because at some point on the wait up someone is getting exploited.

There's other economic stuff that I greatly dislike... like the trading on those stock exchanges for resources.

Lots of stuff there gets way more expensive only because someone buys it faster than the others and resells it. He doesn't add no value to it at all. He is not shipping the resources to elsewhere or storing it or something. He's just useless in the whole process.

There should be rules for those markets, that if you don't add no value at all, you are not allowed to trade there.

I feel like they call those people "entrepreneurs" like it's a good thing

Sad reality

say, Grace#🟦
: trading on the markets is all part of the free economy. Yes, people make money there when they do things right, but they also lose money as well, it’s not all gain & no losses. If we didn’t have the free market the government would own everything, that my dear is Communism,

say, Grace#🟦
& only those that can make money step on those below them. If you are not part of the upper echelon there’s nothing you can do about it

say, Grace#🟦
Here’s a simple rule I taught my clients when I did investing for their futures. By the way it was one of Albert Einstein’s formulas
Making Sense of the Rule of 72

say, Grace#🟦
Now just imagine if you took just $25.00 per month from the $5,000 a day & with the formula what you would end up with in 10, 20 or 30 years

say, Grace#🟦
you will find that people who have made money through their hard work, didn’t spend it like so many of us do today, they saved their money & put it back to work, through the economic opportunities offered by this country!

say, Grace#🟦
The average investor can make as much as 12-14% ROI over long periods of time. Do the math, see what I mean

ikr, wasting money on stuff like rent and health insurance


Gladly I don't need to pay rent, I own my flat now.