💪 Well, I didn't work out yesterday on account of being right sore.
I'm actually strangely jazzed about it, though! It means that all of my gain grinding has been paying off. (Honestly, after I went ham over the past two sessions, it has better. )
I'm feeling better today, although I still don't think that I'm quite in the condition to exercise just yet. It's mostly my legs (this is what I get for doing all those squats ), but I also feel it in my triceps thanks to the arm reps that I did before running through the main Adventure. Funnily enough, my left tricep has gotten more sore, ahaha.
Yesterday, I hauled in a package that I ordered of a pedaler that can fit in my tiny ass room, and that I can carry in and out with no trouble at all. Eight levels of resistance, nary makes a sound (at least according to the reviews), and good quality and price. It can even be used for legs and arms, although you need to swap out the pedals for that.
It doesn't need batteries, but there's a display at the front that counts your stats, so I grabbed a pack of AAA batteries via Amazon that was supposed to be coming today. I say "was", because I opened up the package, and it was empty. |V
Needless to say, I hopped on the phone to customer service, and told him about the mishap. The woman on the other end quickly offered to replace it, and even included one day shipping to boot.
I also ordered some adjustable dumbbells. As great as Ring Fit Adventure has been with its exercise variety, the arm exercises that I've seeing mostly work the shoulders, chest, and triceps. That's all well and good, but I'm tired of being a noodle-armed bitch, so I figured that I'd nab something to help with that. Those should be arriving Thursday.
Assuming that I can keep all of this up, once the weather breaks and I have more disposable funds, I plan on getting an adjustable and removable bar for my door so that I can perform pull-ups. I'd just get it asap, but I already know that I don't have the strength to perform one pull-up, much less several of them. May as well get it when I'm more capable.
In addition to all of this, there's a product that I backed on Kickstarter back in April that I took a chance on that should be arriving within a few months' time or so. It was supposed to be arriving this month, but several product issues and delays happened both on the design front and in the factories, and so I assume that it won't be arriving until 2020.
It still sounds kinda sketchy to have a hand-sized ring that you turn, and the level of resistance determines how much you get out of it… but at the time, I had the money, and was looking for any quick fix to help me get into fitness, and so here we are.
Considering that I'm still receiving (sporadic) updates about it, as well as a proto image of the product post-redesign, I'm still assuming that it's legit, but the only way to know for certain is when I have them in my hands.
(If this were a scam, though, it wouldn't even be the worst one I've back on Kickstarter… and no, I'm actually not throwing shade at Mighty No. 9. At least that one produced a finish game, as woefully lackluster as it was.)
Finally, to top all this off, I was mentioning my plans to a friend of mine, and she responded with, "So, I have a Planet Fitness Black membership, so I can carry one guest with me per day. If you're interested, you can come with, and we can be workout buddies. )
It isn't something that I plan on doing asap, but it's definitely in the cards for the future. It's nice to know that I know some neat people in my life.
💪 Well, I didn't work out yesterday on account of being right sore.
I'm actually strangely jazzed about it, though! It means that all of my gain grinding has been paying off. (Honestly, after I went ham over the past two sessions, it has better.
And I'm just over here like, "