Free Star🌟💫🔥
I just saw a commercial on CNN about how Israel is helping healthcare in South Africa and elsewhere. The ad states that 50% of the world doesn’t have access to healthcare. They could’ve filmed that commercial in America too! LOL
Free Star🌟💫🔥
Scandalous that some developing nations actually have better access to healthcare than the “great USA”.
Gogo ♔
Well in the US at least you can roll into an ER and get service without upfront cost, and many people don’t pay their bills and don’t go to jail for it
Gogo ♔
Perhaps that option is not avail in developing countries, you know? As bad as American healthcare is, if you are bleeding they will help you. There are also free clinics around for casual stuff and children get free health care. The elderly toox
Gogo ♔
It’s just young Americans that have fewer options, unless you are poor and live in a state with expanded Medicaid, then it’s free
Free Star🌟💫🔥
Gogo ♔ : there’s still not universal access to basic healthcare for most Americans though. It’s truly shameful.
h ULee Weener
but with democracy under threat america for all intents and purposes is a developing nation to most of the world since the election of donald trump
Free Star🌟💫🔥
h ULee Weener : very true.
Free Star🌟💫🔥
I actually think that this is the beginning of the end of modern American democracy. Some changes are going to happen. Whether they’re good or bad changes remain to be seen.
♫ birdy
I think our healthcare is better than South Africa's for the majority of people, but for many, it's no better. The very young and older can only get assistance if their income (or their parents' income) is low enough. If it's just slightly too high, they can't. But being slightly too high isn't enough to pay for the outrageous costs of insurance and
♫ birdy
copayments for appointments and medications, esp medications. But if you have strep throat or a broken leg, you can go into the ER. If you have diabetes, asthma, or cancer, though, you can't get maintenance treatment/medications.
♫ birdy
Medicare is awful, so I don't think "Medicare for all" is the answer necessarily, but I do think we need to look at how other countries, such as the UK and Canada, are handling healthcare and start moving that direction.
♫ birdy
Just my opinion lol
Free Star🌟💫🔥
♫ birdy : I’m with you on that. It does need to be completely overhauled. Here we pay for insurance but sooo much is covered that the average person pays very little more extra throughout the year.
We have our annual deductible and that’s all we pay. Yak’s new liver only cost I think €400 or something. Can’t remember. All our prescriptions are included.
Free Star🌟💫🔥
I could go to my regular doctor every day if I needed to and it wouldn’t cost anymore than I already pay.