King of Games
I make food from scratch all the time so today it felt really good to make rice a roni out of a box and bagged "just add water" scones and frozen veggies with a store bought roteserrie chicken.
King of Games
sometimes just gotta go for convenience.
lmao yeah I feel this, I basically always cook from scratch so anything that's frozen and just needs to be heated up or whatever feels like such an indulgence
it's a real treat
King of Games
it really is. so nice.
King of Games
waiting to see how these scones turn out. they're peppermint
It's been the opposite for me, kinda? I think because I was sick for a whole month and couldn't cook I've hit the COOK ALL THE THINGS!!! Phase again.
And convenience food seems like a curse, which it doesn't usually.
King of Games
oh yeah definitely. I was super sick a few years ago and all I wanted was like.. non-soup stuff. I wanted to bake a full on roast
That's exactly what I did today. It was amazing.
Also rotisserie chickens are great. Sometimes I just don't want to deal with cooking meat.
King of Games
and i don't have a rotesserie. i can't get that carmelization all the way around even if i roasted a chicken. So that's always super nice
I bought them pretty regularly when I ate meat. Cheap, delicious, and helps the store out since usually its their way of getting rid of the otherwise whole fresh chickens that are about to go off from being unsold
a win-win all around
King of Games
Scones were delish!
King of Games
King of Games
these are them. very tasty. the right amount of sweet to bread
Oh my god, they sound delightful.