Zilla Fieri
[Family shit] Nothing bad happened, I just need to vent for a little bit
Zilla Fieri
Mom spent the weekend at her sister's place since her sister was getting married. She had a good time, it was apparently a beautiful ceremony, all that good stuff
Zilla Fieri
Not long after mom calls me to tell me she's on her way home and needs help carrying things does she start getting passive aggressive about how I don't keep in touch with the rest of the family anymore and the last remark was only a few minutes ago
Zilla Fieri
And I just fucking roll my eyes
Zilla Fieri
The only one I actually give a shit about who doesn't live with me is my grandfather and that's it
Zilla Fieri
Of course, I can't get into why I don't bother with the rest of the family anymore because she takes their side and that's a whole argument I avoid whenever possible
Zilla Fieri
I don't care to get into how the sister who got married this weekend is incredibly self-centered and took my outburst during a memorial for my grandmother (an outburst about strangers coming in just to mooch off of the food and whatnot) as an insult towards her and her boyfriend and decided to cut us out of the family
Zilla Fieri
A memorial she also used to celebrate her own birthday. She brought her own fucking cake to do it
The hell?
Who celebrates their own birthday at someone else's funeral?
Zilla Fieri
Grandma passed years prior and it was more a gathering in remembrance and honor of her, but yeah, that happened
Zilla Fieri
Or what about her son, my cousin, who disowned me as family because he thought I should've taken his side over a stupid Facebook argument because I confided in him about very personal things
Ah. Still, you wanna celebrate your birthday, throw a separate party-- yeeeeeesh.
Zilla Fieri
AKA he thought me trusting him with my at the time questionable sexuality was leverage he could use
Zilla Fieri
So nope, he's out of my fucking life
Oh. Yikes.
Zilla Fieri
He wanted me out, so fine, I'm out
Zilla Fieri
What about my other aunt, who always thought so little of me and to this day still thinks I am incapable of thinking for myself and instead believes I do everything my sister tells me
Zilla Fieri
Which everyone in the family believed but she moreso than everyone else
Zilla Fieri
To the point where she looked at my outburst and sent everyone ultra passive aggressive letters about what happened and refused to acknowledge that maybe I was just upset after talking about what was going on?
Zilla Fieri
So, no. Not gonna care about someone who can't care to think much of me
Zilla Fieri
The two other cousins I have are...they're okay. I just don't speak to them anymore
Zilla Fieri
So no, you can cling to family members that probably don't even respect you much anymore, mom; don't drag me down that avenue with you
Zilla Fieri
I think the only family she doesn't get as whiny about anymore is my father. She had a period of asking me if I wanted him in my life again and, yeah, I miss him sometimes, but he's an abusive drunk who drove off mom and sis
Zilla Fieri
I'd rather not open up an avenue for them to deal with any of that again
Zilla Fieri
That's a total of three blood relatives I give a shit about anymore and I don't see that number going up anytime soon
Zilla Fieri
There's no forcing it, I don't care, let them do whatever the Hell
Zilla Fieri
Not one word about them trying to reach out to me, though. Oh no, I should be the one doing that
Zilla Fieri
Because I'm in the wrong here for not being a regular part of their lives
Zilla Fieri
♩ 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓜𝓾𝓼𝓮 ♩
you have a better family here. I don't care what they might say, all my net friends are fam
/hugs and kicks blood relatives to the moon
people who insist on loyalty because Family(tm) are seriously not family. especially when they're almost always the ones to insist on you making the move
Cookie Politics
loyalty is earned, if you demand it you don't deserve it
🎃 Jack O'Fox
/holds you close x.x
True Do-Crimer
Let's all just adopt Riki. Get him a better family. One with blackjack and hookers.
I have...one of those things
True Do-Crimer
Don't worry, I can get some blackjack somewhere
Cookie Politics
no black jack for me, the probabilities are pretty shit
Zilla Fieri
we love you riki
🎃 Jack O'Fox