Mouth Powers
[accountability/aspiration plork]
Mouth Powers
woke up with a worse sore throat since the beginning of whatever this is
Mouth Powers
it's settled down though so it's likely a drainage issue (I forget my decongestant last night)
Mouth Powers
simultaneously I want to REST but also there are things I HAVE to do
Mouth Powers
and I want to catch up on tags but god I'm wiped out
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so far I have got dressed, taken out the trash (needed to do that for a solid week), and collected the wasteland of tissues and other trash that didn't fit in the trash can before and put that in
Mouth Powers
- REALLY need to deal with the cat litter
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- should also empty the dishwasher
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- prep more chicken
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- do a grocery run for veggies etc
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- pick up all the gel pens by cat has massacred across the floor/general pick up
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- put away the clean laundry, run another load with my towels in
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- work on Breach Stuff
Mouth Powers
- tagsssss precious, backlog + Full Moon
Mouth Powers
in my wildest dreams of ambition I would like to
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- reorganize my clothes now that it's getting nippy, put everything that doesn't fit into donation bags, get fall clothes sorted and accessible
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- break down some of these boxes
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- sort my heaps of unused makeup
Mouth Powers
just bought some more neutral colored leggings that will pair with any of my work dresses, which FEELS productive
Mouth Powers
getting to a really stressful team challenge episode of masterchef is what it takes for me to do things right now, I guess
Mouth Powers
I did start a coffee, I should...finish it
Mouth Powers
also one of my ankles decided to start twingeing again, but I stuck the aircast back on and it's alright
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OKAY I unloaded the dishwasher, did some pickup
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reloaded, collected the dirty towels
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before I throw them out
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Otis Presents
Mouth Powers
the Pants That Got Me Down The Mountain:
Mouth Powers
Mouth Powers
s h r e d d e d
god, I'd be tempted to keep them as a conversation piece
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ME TOO but I live in like 300 square feet, there's a limit to how much sentimental stuff I can hold onto
Mouth Powers
they were damn good pants
Mouth Powers
/pours one out
Frame that picture, keep it close, the memory of those pants is too intense and story-worthy to not keep evidence of
Mouth Powers
for sure
Mouth Powers
anyway about the time that happened, I had about 15 more hours of sliding and scrambling over rocks to go
Mouth Powers
there was no skin left on my butt under where those holes are
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Mouth Powers
okay bought some organizers for my makeup and medicine cabinet, because I just put some stuff away in there and it was a madhouse
Mouth Powers
apparently I have no restraint when I have no energy
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(I knew this)
Mouth Powers
laundry put away, new load started
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okay I had some yogurt for brunch but now I need real food
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and I dun wanna
I am having a sammich, join me in a food
those pants sure did their duty by you
Mouth Powers
I have consumed a dinner
Mouth Powers
and also scooped the cat litter
Mouth Powers
still have to take it down, but
Mouth Powers
leaving: groceries, prep, tag stuff, and Ambitions
Mouth Powers
mmmm told myself I'd go get groceries after this episode but now I got catlap
I had the mental image of you framing the butt of those jeans and hanging it on your wall
not framing a picture, framing the butt of the actual jeans.
^ i second that
Mouth Powers
look if I had more WALLS
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zack do YOU want to frame them
yes, frame those jeans
preserve them in a place of honor for posteriority ;-)
thank you, Jay
Mouth Powers
damn those jeans gave their all
Mouth Powers
last night I DID eventually get groceries and prep some chicken
Mouth Powers
defrosted some cauliflower so I gotta roast that today
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and I should chop/prep some cucumbers and tomatoes
Mouth Powers
put the towels+ in the dryer, washed down my counters and swept the kitchen, and ran another load of dishes
Mouth Powers
today I have: washed, had meds, put away the clean laundry + towels, and cooked cauliflower
Mouth Powers
don't need to cook chicken bc there's still half a sandwich for lunch in the fridge at work and I should have that first
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put away clean dishes
Mouth Powers
I did forget to get more trashbags on my grocery run though, need to remedy that
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pick up the Pen Massacre, and TAGS
Mouth Powers
also this cauliflower turned out super delicious but I need something more calorie dense to actually do things I think
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Mouth Powers
floors basically cleared
Mouth Powers
okay I'm going to take out the litter + boxes, get trash bags, then come back and get my tag house in order