[Petition] Hi, please sign this petition to implore CSULB to install locks on their classrooms doors.
despite the fact that we live in an age of school shootings, they hadn't bothered. so when they had a credible threat the day before last, most of the students found out when they couldn't lock the doors during a lock down and had to stack furniture in front of the doors
They're a university and make loads more money off of students than a community college, and yet somehow the community college can afford door locks but Cal State University hasn't bothered.
(now on a replurkable account)
Thanks! Because this is fuckin ridiculous.
I saw some journalists on that twitter thread... did the story get picked up at all?
big 🛌 energy
also a technology safety reminder, based on what actually happened: sign out of all of your accounts whenever you're in a public space. the threat was sent by someone through an uninvolved student's account when they accessed it through a success center. the student cooperated and was released after they figured out that someone else had used her account,
big 🛌 energy
but she was still initially apprehended because the threat was sent through her account and i can't imagine that was a good experience.
big 🛌 energy
big 🛌 energy
there are a few articles, mostly local news since no one was actually hurt, but imagine if there had been an armed gunman on campus? it's not like it's the first time it's happened in this area (though the two occasions I know of in long beach the suspect was apprehended before anyone was hurt thank god)
Shared on my social media feeds too, hopefully gives it a little more visibility
big 🛌 energy
Hopefully! Thank you for your support!
CSUN has a similar problem. Their doors also all open outward instead of in, meaning there's no real way to barricade yourself inside (:
big 🛌 energy
Same for CSULB. As you can see in the photos on twitter, people had used cables tied to the outside of the door and tied them to projectors, chairs, etc. on the inside to barricade the door. The CSU system as a whole needs to get their shit together.
y u p
... Now I'm going to double-check the doors at my campus tomorrow and make sure they have proper locks too
big 🛌 energy
probably a good call tbh...