4. Are there any other works outside this character’s canon that inspire how you write them? idk how to say this without sounding weird and narcissistic but... myself? I read River as being on the autism spectrum somewhere, and I also have um let's call it longterm experience with anxiety and panic attacks
So I kind of reverse engineer that and try to translate how my brain might freak out in a situation into text to come up with how River might react. And then apply her speech patterns etc.
9. What drew you to playing this character? Sweet baby girl ;_; There's something so poetic in the way she speaks, and that's always drawn me to her. I just want to hold her and protect her and help her find happiness in someway.
Also the series got cut so short and we got a LITTLE resolution with the movie but not much? A tiny bit of background with the comics but not much? So it's also because I just want more of her.
15. Do you listen to any particular music to get in the mood to write this character? A band called The 76 did a gorgeous song about her taking clips from the R Tam Sessions and it breaks my heart and it's wonderful.
Secret, by The Pierces
Tag You're It, by Melanie Martinez
Girl Anachronism, by Dresden Dolls