The domestic winners in the appeasement of Communist China were the two American coasts -- the New York financial industry, the Washington political lobbying nexus, Silicon Valley's high-tech companies, and the coastal mega-research universities such Harvard, Stanford and Yale.
First, the Chinese overreached and systematically began militarizing neutral islands in the South China Sea. They derided international commercial treaties
Second, Donald Trump got elected president, all the while screaming that the Chinese emperor had no clothes. The cheerleaders finally listened and admitted that China had been buck naked after all.
[爆卦] 川普願為貿易戰放棄香港
Elizabeth Warren 是麻省的多屆參議員,非常有可能成為民主黨總統候選人
伊麗莎白·沃倫(Elizabeth Warren)上週在Facebook上購買了一個政治廣告,其中故意包含有關馬克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)和特朗普(Trump)總統的虛假陳述,以煽動社交網絡以消除2020年大選之前政治廣告中的錯誤信息