which mesh body do you use? or as a designer, which body do you prefer to rig for? do you have multiple? if so, how would you personally rank them? what would you like to see as improvement to these?
this is cassie btw
anon for honest answers. feel free to replurk
I use Maitreya
I use Legacy casually, but have Maitreya because I rig for it (exclusively because I don't have time to do more). I love the way Legacy looks but haven't tried to rig for it yet. I honestly wish Maitreya wasn't so popular because there's no creator support and the devkit hard to work with. Slink has such an easy kit & active support (Siddean is so friendly).
maitreya, maitreya and maitreya
Slink HG with Petite, Slink Physique. As a designer I prefer rigging for Slink because it is easy and Siddean supports us and helps when there are questions. I also love that she has the Redux line now. I wish so hard that more designers would make stuff for her bodies!
i use maitreya. i like the butt/crotch of belleza better, but hate the (really fucking obscene) high polycount of the belleza bodies. slink petite on HG comes a close second for overall.
i use maitreya
Maitreya but I also own slink
And I use slink hands bc I find them prettier
as a creator i never got the hang of rigging, but learning to rig was easiest on slink since she actually gave me a chance and let me use her kit instead of saying no.
legacy & belleza
SL Avatar Body Survey from Top Fashion Brand Dominat...
here's an older survey if anyone has links to other ones too to share here? someone that deleted their comment said theres tons
Salt [xxSaltandPepperxx] on Plurk
posted one recently
i rig for maitreya bc it's popular, but I'd prefer rigging only for belleza (freya & isis) and legacy. those brands have the cleanest kits to work with. i love legacy the most out of all of the ones I own, but there's not enough support for it (special fx body appliers, neck appliers to fix seams, etc) to make it the only one i wear
(this is annette/decoy btw) here's the results of the survey i did back in may, when legacy was still pretty new as well https://images.plurk.com/7KyVVavNFy2GkE9Yr07y1W.png
ty love
I use Belleza Freya. I used to use Maitreya but I prefer the shoulders and boobs of Freya. I would love it if there were less Maitreya Exclusive and more stuff for the other bodies.
I rig for Maitreya, since that's where the money is. Belleza is the easiest to rig to because it tries to use fitted bones exclusively, so there's the least weight cross over that may go over the limit of 4. Slink's been pretty good, especially with their latest kits.
Easiest to rig: Belleza 1st, Slink 2nd, Maitreya is last. For male bodies, Signature is the most difficult because it uses all of the bones, but I haven't tried the alice body yet. I've heard good things about the Legacy kit, but I will not be rigging or supporting that body due to its conflicting contract terms.
what are the contract terms?
I mostly use Maitreya ,but my favorite body is freya . I own Maitreya , slink hg, freya, and kemono.
I wear Maitreya only
ಠ_ಠ: (within context of breaching) "If the Content Creator uses any of the Creative Files to directly, or indirectly (inspiration or reference) make a 3D avatar, body, head, hands, or feet." anyone can breach this just making prosthetic or body part modifications fit to legacy. They told me it's okay but it needs to reflect on paper lmao.
So fantasy, furry, scifi, and avatar parts creators that do unique things with the body are out of the picture, or at risk of breaking their terms if they have already signed up without reading carefully.
I wouldn't ever risk doing anything with Legacy/TMP because of how little support they gave before and just shady practices and all that.
I'll rig for most of the bodies but I really hate the addition of the Legacy body. The kits are broken and they really let you know that they do not trust the people using them.
cassie middles
I posted this question here on my community tab as well to see which bodies most are curious about
I wear Maitreya pretty much exclusively.
slink physique original for the one i use, and slink for rigging preference. i do maitreya because it's a requirement as it's the most popular body, not because i like it as a body or rigging for it in any way. belleza has some issues with blender compatibility, and the special rest pose makes it a pain in the ass as you can't just do it alone.
I didn’t like the part in the legacy contract that said if you breach they’ll hit you for 250k (am I remembering that right?) meanwhile slink is over here being chill af helping everyone who asks, making tutorials, just being super sweet
I use Maitryea with the V-tech chest