Yale Sale →
Today's the first session of new tabletop game where there are nine players and we've already got some pre-game beef with one of them lmao
Yale Sale →
I don't know why the GM sent out the invite to nine people and didn't expect them to all say yes...
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It's a space game (like a Cowboy Bebop or a Firefly sort of vibe) so presumably not everyone will make it to every session and we'll have sort of a rotating crew, but...
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WE'LL SEE IF IT'S A SHITSHOW or if it actually turns out really fun and I worried for nothing.
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I get to play space!Tonic so that'll be fun.
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He's my dress-wearing, potion-making, ex-assassin turned post-apocalyptic hot-topic clothier... In space.
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He will be the ship's doctor, of course.
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I was like "oh man if Space!Tonic goes well, I might actually have a space character I can bounce off of them!"
goodness, that's so many
I run a game with seven and it's A Lot
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HAHA, the doctor class in this game kind of implies that you're supposed to be the moral center for the group...
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1. Don't screw over the people feeding you.
2. Stay in school.
3. Don't stab Tonic.
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I think he just didn't expect everyone to say yes...
I mean those aren't bad rules
the game I'm in started with 7, and we're now at...10ish
yeah 5-6 is my ideal size honestly
enough character variety to do a lot of things, but not so many that it's hard to keep track of
as it is I was really glad I could slot the newest character into an existing ongoing plotline
Yale Sale →
Yeah... It's gonna be interesting...
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I just hope everyone is cool... I worry about people not getting a chance to play because there are sooo many of us.
→ yard sard
I AM WORRIED ABOUT MANY THINGS but I'm trying not to go into this actively worrying
→ yard sard
I'm just excited to play my spacelizard
Wayward Haze
Yeah wow. I did... ten once? And really, never again
Wayward Haze
It was because I play in a system that allows for rotating cast and uh that one day they ALL showed up
Wayward Haze
And I was like okay guys this was insane and fun but I can't do this for you ALL constantly, so ... basically good luck to your GM and I hope it is fun and That Player chills back.
Many mistakes
ermmmm that is a LOT to coordinate! Combat is going to take YEARS
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oh good!
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I got kind of confused by the absolute clusterfuck that our first mission turned into, but I think that was more because I was having trouble understanding the rules and, like, what I could actually do
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and it was not really a player/GMing issue
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AND OF COURSE the system finally clicked for me once I got home from the game, and not while I was playing it, lmao
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To establish how the crew all knew each other, we did a thing where we each get to have a rumor about our character (that may or may not be true!) and then two of our crewmates get to make up rumors about us.
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So the rumors Tonic ended up with aaare: That he FAKED HIS OWN DEATH to get out of crippling debt, that his dramatic acid burn scars are because he was the Other Woman to some rich dignitary and their partner wanted REVENGE, and that his acid burn scars are because he was asked to doctor up a mob boss and it didn't go so well.
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(with the last one potentially being that Tonic did it on purpose!)
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The first one is technically true, the other two... Not so much, lmao.
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Though another character's rumor was that he tried to attend a fancy fashion academy but got SUPER SNUBBED by the board in what was a long dumpster-fire of a public scandal.
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And some players were like, "...What if the person Tonic was adultering with was that fashion director that snubbed him..."
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Many mistakes
that is a REALLY fun intro mechanic!!
Wayward Haze
OMG that's a great intro mechanic, yeah! I love it! .... and I may steal it if I ever do the secondary B-cast version of my current game for the folks who still want to play
Yale Sale →
It was neat! And it's totally up to the player whether the things that people come up with for them are only rumor, or if they actually want to incorporate that into their character backstory somehow and make it true. :>
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We did it in such a way that each player got to pick which other character was the one their character pulled into the crew, and then those two would assign rumors to each other.
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And then the one that just got picked would get to go next and pick someone, until everyone on the "crew" had been hired by someone and everyone got two extra rumors.
Wayward Haze
Neatest. Thing. Ever.
Wayward Haze
Lore wants to GM a sci-fi game someday where the whole party wakes up on a ship with amnesia. They start out with blank character sheets and fill them in as they try to do / discover things
→ yard sard
ohhh interesting idea
Yale Sale →
Oooh, nice!
Many mistakes wasn't there something like that going on with Maisie?
Many mistakes
I think that one was Areope’s campaign! Continent-wide amnesia, a whole society with nothing more than six weeks’ worth of memory. CHAOS!
Oh right right the water druid
Many mistakes
I am two for two on blue girls and my fellow players are never gonna let this go
isn't that a porn anime
hey wait, are you counting Efy in that?
Wayward Haze
That is some next level use of the amnesia trope and I approve
Many mistakes
...i was not
three blue girls