[Politics] Um. Holy carp. They actually made a move.
Pelosi launches formal Trump impeachment inquiry -- ...
I will say this once: this place is not for argument.
I do not mind healthy debate.
but this was because I was more surprised than anything
Pumpqueen Fall
bout fucking time
Pumpqueen Fall
Honest to god thought this would happen 2 fucking years ago
I totally agree.
Pumpqueen Fall
but I guess trying to fuck over Biden was the last straw that made them go "oh shit he really won't ever play nice" YOU FUCKING THINK
color me surprised too. I thought they were just going to drag it out and cast doubt on him until the elections so they could use that as election fodder, but go them for finally starting something
I have concerns about this. Serious concerns. Especially if he's authorized an unredacted transcript of the conversation. I'm concerned that it won't contain enough of anything to build a solid case for removal and all they'll accomplish is wasting time and money and losing the confidence of the American people.
Pumpqueen Fall
not gonna happen
Pumpqueen Fall
impeachment even inquiries always destroy the person they're investigating
Pumpqueen Fall
Nixon's ratings went down, BILL CLINTON'S WENT DOWN SO MUCH it is widely attributed to Bush's election and even just of house/senate members!
Pumpqueen Fall
yes it riles up the "base" but Trump's base is already on permanent setting 15
Pumpqueen Fall
they're all but rioting, and ARE actually going on murder sprees, so you can't "rile them up" more
Pumpqueen Fall
you literally can't
This will make at least some of Trump's followers think. I understand what Althea's worried about, but this will definitely have an impact on elections
Oh it absolutely will have an impact on the elections. I'm just concerned there will be a backfire.
The only thing we can do right now is wait and see
yeah, the risk of backfire is kinda why I thought they would leave it in limbo until the elections, but you're right. all we can do is wait and see at this point.
That he's offering a transcript without redaction or being forced by the courts implies that at the very least he doesn't think he's done anything wrong. Otherwise, he's stubborn enough to have dug in his heels and pulled a "nope, not unless you make me."
But yeah it's a wait and see. I won't sleep well tonight though.
The problem is, IMO, that he always thinks that he has done nothing wrong
I mean. The fact hes offering a transcript instead of the recording itself and also still withholding the complaint itself actually makes it sound like he DOES know he might have fucked up here
Maybe. Like I said, I'm just concerned. After all, he did pull a win out of his ass when Hillary was considered a shoo in. I'm cynical and jaded. I own that. So yeah, wait and see. I'm not breaking out the pompoms yet.
(a questionable win, but again... that's why I'm concerned this could blow up spectacularly)
daddy rackham.
I feel.... relief. and also trepedation
daddy rackham.
agree with you about not breaking out the pompoms, but this is a mostly good thing
oh it's gonna get nuts for months
Pumpqueen Fall
well tbf the Dems did well in making the Republican party so tied to trump that they didn't create a backup president, not even Pence and even had Pence do the corruption dance to appease Trump so it also means that by waiting htis long the republicans don't have time to "reform"
Pumpqueen Fall
they can only double down and that is a losing strategy
it can backfire if public opinion is "yes it's embarrassing but none of this pearl-clutching actually matters" as the Clinton impeachment largely went
...but I think that's not because of base-riling, so much as everyone else getting angry
the 1/3 that believes Trump Can Do No Wrong will probably keep believing that no matter what comes of this, but there's a pretty big margin of people who might actually care about rules at all and maybe just haven't been exposed to facts yet somehow
I mean it seems like every time there's a big thing like someone talking to Congress, a few more people come out of the woodwork and realize for the first time what's going on
Pumpqueen Fall
yeah but even with Clinton it still fucking worked that's the cringiest part.
Pumpqueen Fall
it suppressed and kept people in doubt
Cookie Politics
honestly, if nothing else this is a kick in people's pants to remind that that the rule if law is a thing, and the president is beholden to rules
Cookie Politics
this should have happened ages ago, because Trump doesn't think rules apply to him
I feel it sure should have happened months ago when an investigator delivered a document saying "the only reason there is no indictment is that I was specifically ordered not to indict," at least >_>
I mean at that point we knew it was Watergate but with foreign powers involved as well for bonus points
Pumpqueen Fall
yeah at minimum it also emphasizes "You're no longer the party of pretending to be about law and order, you're just about corruption " and even if it doesn't hit Trump specifically, it DOES take out a lot of Republicans
Pumpqueen Fall
of course Dems too which is why they didn't want to but hey
I do wonder what actually was the straw that broke the camel's back, here
whether it was opinion polls, or being angry because an establishment guy was under attack and that's not Playing Fair, or what
Pelosi doesn't strike me as someone who can be bullied into action based on opinion.
I agree, unless it's opinion polls relating to her chances of staying in office. Or, in fairness, the Democratic caucus in general. I think she's savvy enough to not throw the party's influence in Congress under the bus.
But she has a while before she needs to care about election, herself, I guess.
Pumpqueen Fall
totally 100% establishment guy under attack
Pumpqueen Fall
if she can't stick up for Biden, she loses her whole party's confidence, not just the so-called "extreme" left wing
Pumpqueen Fall
sure they didn't stick up for Gore, Kerry, or HRC, but the donors were able to parley that.
Pumpqueen Fall
here, you can't.
Pumpqueen Fall
flat out, cannot. if you do nothing NO MATTER WHAT THE PRETENSE you are literally telling the donors you will never do anything, so they might as well just put their money on Republicans/trump/corrupt non-gambles openly accepting and seeking bribes