Work] 🙃
Me all day from waking up to driving to work, I don’t wanna go to work I don’t wanna I don’t!
Me at pre-post ‬briefing and being told no gates for me today but I’m on escort duty cause it’s free flu shot day so lots of up and down stairs, I don’t wanna work today I don’t wanna!
Me when the employees at work say how excited they are to see me and lots of little old ladies hug me and lots of them insist to give me treats from their lunches, I fucking love these people and my job bless
I’m finally on first break and my body is dying so hard but these employees make everything so worth it!!!!!
Got a 12 hour work day today and the stairs are really murdering me but it’s my Friday and people here always make me feel appreciated af so 🤷‍♀️ I’ll cry and sleep tomorrow lol