∞ sword girls
hey it's clear that people are having a rough time lately, comment here and get a heartfelt compliment
& replurking to main!!
I could definitely use one
∞ sword girls
captainkink Timmy you are so dedicated to whatever you do! Whether it is your students, or delving into your characters, you don't leave anything half-done
∞ sword girls
I love the stories you tell about your kids at school and it's obvious how much you care about doing your job as best you can for them
ahh thank you so much! it really helps to hear
∞ sword girls
And you play all of your characters in a way that is just Fun to play off of, regardless of what kind of thread it is!
∞ sword girls
The State
Sooz how are you so funny and smart? I know I don't comment to your plurks as often as I should but I read most of 'em and you always tell whatever stories you have in a great way
also I have learned so much about how magnets and medical procedures work from them! CRAZY STUFF
and The State I'm going to say nice shit about you too: FELLOW DATA APPRECIATOR, you are so good at coming in with good and workable solutions to things
like depression, or cooking, or exercise
while being encouraging rather than prescriptive about it, which is important!
Cᴏғғᴇᴇ Sɪɴɴᴇʀ
Oh my god I only just now got this notif and THANK YOU THIS IS SO SWEET......
The State
awww thank you that is appreciated, and very sweet of you
ahh this is very kind of you, eileen!
∞ sword girls
recorder Orly, even though you are going through a Time right now, you are always there with a kind word and sympathy for all of your friends who are also going through it! You are clearly a kind and compassionate person who cares a lot about her friends
∞ sword girls
🍔 YEDONG... Shuri, you are a total sweetheart - I've never seen you be unkind to anyone, and you are very thoughtful and measured too. Whenever you decide to do something it's because you've given it careful consideration and decided it's the best course of action
∞ sword girls
WHICH IS a quality more people could use!
unoiled snake
unoiled snake
thank you for doing this <3
♕ blorp bleep ♕
EILEEN you do this for me on the regular so let me just tell you that you’re such a sweet and thoughtful person WE ALL BE LUCKY TO HAVE U
∞ sword girls
∞ sword girls
unoiled snake Val I love how creative you are; it seems like you are always plurking about something you drew or cooked or something new that you are trying, like theatre class! Regardless of whatever your brain is doing on a regular basis you are still doing a lot of stuff that you enjoy and/or want to get better at
∞ sword girls
♕ blorp bleep ♕ aww TY FEY, TBH I'M LUCKY TO KNOW ALL OF YOU TOO
unoiled snake
that... is so nice, thank you
∞ sword girls
but even tho we are extremely shoujo with each other I'm not gonna break the habit now!! I WANT TO SAY that when I was having a hard time this spring, you checking in, or cheering me on to go to therapy, or just chatting about stuff - that meant the world to me and helped me so much
∞ sword girls
my brain has had MANY UPS AND DOWNS since we've known each other and you have always been there to do what you can, and I appreciate it & you more than I can say
you are always there to support people or brighten things up for them a bit
♕ blorp bleep ♕
I’m so glad that it did help <3