colorful bunch
[dreams] one was irl one was firefly
colorful bunch
I won't get into all the nitty gritty specific details but the irl one involved a school trip, and us going somewhere to watch the super bowl. not to the stadium where it's happening, more like a theater where we're watching it on big screens, except it's built LIKE a stadium
colorful bunch
and then there's me, trying really hard not to sit next to any of the dumb gross guys I don't like
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and occasionally there's people making out and of course everyone's slipping closer and closer to the big main screen until it's like a sleepover with some of us sprawled out together on the floor sometimes commentating the game but also talking about local food. I think we might have been in austin
colorful bunch
and afterwards all of us standing outside like 'do we get a ride back to the hotel or do we walk well the distance is technically walkable but do we remember what direction oh some of the guys are already going ok have fun getting lost'
colorful bunch
I feel like this 'go watch the superb owl' thing happened twice so I'm not sure if that like actually happened or if my brain kind of did a soft reset like 'no let's do it again but different' cuz I swear that happens sometimes
colorful bunch
but more importantly my firefly dream reminded me that I gotta look up fic bc the recent rewatch of the show and movie I did with the fam reminded me
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how much I want simon and mal to fuckin get together apparently
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after lots of manly posturing and denial
colorful bunch
it involved stumbling drunk/exhausted into the wrong person's room twice, tho I can't remember if it was simon into mal's room both time or if they both did it once. quite probably the former
colorful bunch
(they were also, apparently, staying at a hotel somewhere but like most space western-y; don't ask me why they weren't on the ship)
colorful bunch
cuz I also distinctly remember them doing a breakfast at said hotel cuz it's a lobby-like area and they're on an upper floor while people go about their merry and jayne's cottoning on that there's Something weird going on at least with simon
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there was also some side adventure simon had, very episode-like, involving a band of highway robbing whores but they were doing it cuz Good Reasons and the crew being hired to stop the whores but SIMON getting hired by the whores to help THEM
colorful bunch
there were crossdressing shenanigans on simon's part and Unfortunate Heteronormativity on the part of mal walking in on simon and one of the whores in simon's room and reaching a particular Conclusion about that
colorful bunch
colorful bunch
trust me even when I was a youngin I didn't really like kaylee and simon hooking up but I did get intrigued at the thought of him with mal (slap slap kiss kiss) or jayne (who doesn't like extremely antagonistic backstabby ships)
colorful bunch
do you know how confounding it can be to read a fic summary that includes bdsm and bdm (for big damn movie)
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someone puts post-bdm in a summary and I'm like 'oh it's aftercare' and then I realize my mistake
colorful bunch
talk to me about mal
and how fucking stupid he is (about romance jUST TALK TO INARA USE YOUR WORDS)
it's complicated
you don't just use you're words and act like things matter
colorful bunch
that's how CIVILIZED FOLK do it!
colorful bunch
I'm also slowly rediscovering that people are bad at writing river. and honestly I can't even blame them it's hardly like she's an easy character to grasp especially when she's not a main focus character of a fic
colorful bunch
but hoo boy
y e a h
colorful bunch
colorful bunch
she's usually either too specifically on the nose or she sounds too childish. or both!