Been less than a year and I’ll say it again, Post Malone is so good! Seriously such a smart guy, really. If you listen to his interviews, it’s apparent.
Can’t wait for him to come to my town!
i started listening to him earlier in the year and i'm in love with him. why is this anon D:
is this an unpopular opinion or something? lmao
Last time OP plurked this, everyone fought about it
joke post?
Friend of mine wrote this epic take down of his ass
Review | Post Malone is the perfect pop star for thi...
it's behind a paywall
It’s a pity he gets a robot to sing for him though. I have no time for anyone who autotunes their vocals to death.
don't know if he's personally nice or smart or whatever, but i do know i rather listen to nails on a chalk board
witch8960: omg YES i got chewed out for it last year >.> bee6532:
crane5381: yeah exactly people were so mean to him
rat570: have you listed to all his music? The new album is fire
walrus5760: I read that last year I think. I mean, I get it and why people don’t like him.

See Posty isn’t for everyone but he owns himself and his weirdness and empowers other people to do so.

Also he’s not a rapper, he says he’s an artist.
bee5437: 100% serious
...i might throw it in the fire. that's just me though. i don't speak about not liking things unless i have properly experienced them. i have listened to his music and still very much don't like it
I'm listening him right now, and i agree with rat570, i can't stand his voice.
Well, voice. It's all autotune.
This speaks volumes about your own intelligence. Or lack of it...
why does someone's choice in music speak anything about their intelligence? what should we be listening to then? I love most genres and enjoy different types of music and I think it's rediculous that as adults a person can't even say they like music without being hassled about it. this is ridiculous.
and my typing is ruined by my phone thanks phone
anyway, we should be listening to what brings us joy. me personally i'm a lyrics person, and a beat person. if its really catchy, i'll listen to it. if the lyrics yank at my heart i'll listen to it. right now malone's recent album is giving me feels and i love it, that's a good thing! music is entertainment!
OK, I will not stand by and watch someone degrade another person for their musical choices. We all like what we like and are entitled to dislike other things. Just because YOU don't like something, doesn't make it any less valid for someone else.
Personally, as I said, I don't like autotuned vocals, but the OP has every right to listen to them and enjoy the music and I will fight for their right to do so.
that's bait.
No it's not, it's just for those who bash and bully someone else because their musical choices don't align. Get over it.
I don't like Post Malone, OP does and i'm happy that they do, because different music gives people joy and happiness. I like stuff that others don't like, but I don't cry anout it Rat570, I just get on with my stuff and let them get on with theirs.
witch8960: has nothing to do about his music. The OP commented about his intelligence in his interviews. Reading is fundamental. Try it next time.
stop being a dick maybe?
Like who you like. Dislike who you dislike. Don’t be jerks about anyone liking an artist.
Ftr I couldn’t care less about Post Malone, but you go, Glen Coco
sesame7753: mine? Lol. That’s presumptive of you, which says a lot.
witch8960: omg yaaas! To all of this. And the beats and lyrics are quite good and clever, especially compared to a ton of modern music. Many artists don’t put much into the writing. Posty does.
olive9842: thank you!
olive9842: also FYI to everyone not just you but auto-tune has been around since the 80’s and literally everyone uses it, it’s just like photoshop tho- some people use more than others and some go as far as to distort their voices as a style thing, like a guitar pedal.
sesame7753: I did comment about his intelligence. You seemingly do not get it, which is fine. But the dude is smart, and even more so, very emotionally smart. Imagine getting this much hate and functioning under it? Pretty incredible.
cookie836: who is Glen Coco? /googles/
From Mean Girls lol
Oh, I know all about auto tune. The Spice Girls used it, and I know this because a band I know what recording in the studio nest to them at Toolroom Studios. It’s a personal preference for me, I just don’t like it but if you do then fair play and we’ll agree to disagree and that’s it. As for intelligence in the music industry
we need more artists with the intelligence to know what they’re doing and to beat the exploitation of the record labels, the publishers etc. The music business is very cutthroat, so the more artists who have control over their product, the better, no matter who they are, what their genre is and how much technology they rely on.
cookie836: ohhh loool
olive9842: Ah, yeah totally makes sense with the Spice Girls, haha.
olive9842: I would say I'm neutral on AutoTune. It's a case by case basis. Honestly, it's hard to know who uses it or not these days - some are so subtle. But I look at the voice as an instrument, so distortion is a ok to me. But yeah! You do you, it totally is a personal preference and I respect that!
olive9842: Yeah, more artists with intelligence and the will to create a pure expression of themselves. It takes a lot to keep a vision of your expression when so many people offer up welcome and unsolicited advice. I really respect people who can do that. It must take a ton of mental energy, resolve, emotional intelligence, grit.
ಠ_ಠ: it’s not presumptive. He’s an idiot. You think he’s wildly intelligent. You do the math.
Basically anyone you hear on the radio has had their music pitch corrected. It doesn’t have to sound like a robot.
Hey Sesame, don't be an asshole your whole life, take a day off
Post Malone isn’t my cup of tea, but I don’t feel personally offended by his existence lol
olive9842: cute snowflake getting all worked up.
When you hear filters on vocals, it’s generally a stylistic choice, not someone trying to fool you. Look at T Pain. His whole IMAGE is that vocoder sound, but it turns out he’s a crazy good singer without. Check out his Tiny Desk set. See also: Bon Iver and Imogen Heap
sesame7753: it absolutely is presumptive. Here’s why.
sesame7753: in·tel·li·gence
Learn to pronounce
the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills
sesame7753: the man has skills. Communicational. Emotional. Rhythmic.
sesame7753: more than that. Just seems your definition of smart or intelligent is quite specific and ridged. Your prerogative, but not truth.
crane5381: exactly, autotune is the standard not the exception.
Cher ruined auto tune for everyone that followed.
olive9842: omg I lol’d
Skills. Lol. Ok
Come on then Sesame, put your money where your mouth is and enlighten us about your musical collection.
sesame7753: exactly. 👋
I could get into classical music composition and artists, but I doubt many of you would be able to follow along.
Yeah, it must be lonely up on that superior pedestal you’ve put yourself upon, especially as us mere mortals can not comprehend classical compositions etc. You have no idea who I am, or the breadth of my musical spectrum, so please don’t make assumptions that only serve to make you look like a fool.
Oh, they’re a classical-music-is-the-only-music type. Groundbreaking.
donut1653: I’m not lonely at all. I don’t need a thousand plurk friends to validate myself. I have this thing called a real life that pretty much most of you folks avoid like the plague.
crane5381: you wanna compare classical music to Post Malone? Ok.
Where’d I say that? You seem angry
I’m not into Post Malone, but I can enjoy some easily-accessed lowbrow pop music and simultaneously be a fan of Gorecki
Some people think Trout Mask Replica is the most genius album ever recorded while others think it’s stupid noise.
you guys im pretty sure sesame is trolling lol