OKAY. Fuck this being tired shit. /slams hands on desk/ I don't care HOW tired I am, I'm going to yeet myself at this newbie intro post and body slam some people.
I am so sorry for all these godawful old tags, I've been shitty at keeping up with stuff lately because unfortunately, Work Exists. I will do my best to hit back all my old shit tonight. No hard feelings if y'all wanna drop stuff.
Hopefully I haven't let TOO MUCH actually pile up, but it's kind of hard to tell when you're doing phone tags and can't delete as you go, so the conversations view of comments just gets longer and longer.....
...ok now I'm imagining them blurting it out and then going "wait why'd I say that jsdhfklsajdf" and then extra flailing in Kiwi when he agrees to it XDDD
Held out for like two months all "It doesn't happen THAT often", but he's given up and decided that it sucks more than carrying stuff around is inconvenient.
Surely he can take it apart, study it, and figure out how to put it back together before anyone else will need that specific one, even if he lingers over the project for a week or two.
inadequate tits
: Do you wanna call the kitty thread good BTW? Because Will is 100% willing to just sit on the ground and cuddle her for an hour until she makes her escape.
admittedly tho it's a hard thing to thread, since she can't talk like that and it doesn't give the other person much to work with. so probably good to limit it to when characters need a shameless cuddle and maybe to get something off their chest when they think no one is actually listening lol
I'm defaulting to it, because TBH I feel like the manga stuff would probably mildly horrify people who aren't prepared for it and are expecting the happy normal game/anime stuff.
Although now I'm just picturing "I'm too heavy!" being answered with psychically lifting Kiwi over his head, and Will 'holding them up' with one finger for pure dramatic effect, all "You were saying?"
obligatory pointing to fanart of this exact thing happening. I'm...only slightly less of an avid Kiwiam shipper than I was when I found this but still shhh
It's okay though, because he hasn't actually been bitten in the ass by it yet! He hasn't exhausted himself or gotten hurt or sick like other people have, so he's just fine.
Will: I professionally train my adorable fluffy best friends to fight other cute critters recreationally.
and then Kiwi faints from blushcan't stop won't stop
don't know how to stop
help I think someone cut the brake lines
It's okay though, because he hasn't actually been bitten in the ass by it yet! He hasn't exhausted himself or gotten hurt or sick like other people have, so he's just fine.famous last wordsI feel it's time to make tiny child make Will forget himselfLMAO right? What will make those be last words, though? What should I slam him with?Oh dear. How would she make him forget himself?by being even worse then him regarding exhuastionDon't make him SIT ON YOU, Ib. Don't think he won't!11he has to find her firstFinding one little girl in this whole big city is HARD, this'll take a while.doubly so since she doesn't know about the tablets being like phones