But even through the dark hazes of panic anxiety, i feel like this past year I've made a lot of positive changes and actually stsrted to engage with people again
I don't feel belittled by my friends or unimportant... Every day, even when my anxiety tells me I'm not here or not worth it, my friends still end up a positive influence
Like, friends and new friends have always been receptive It just took me actually stepping out and engaging And maybe this will continue and spread into my real life
I'm very grateful to all my friends for even being a part of this development in my life For all of the bad friends I've had before, I've gotten pretty lucky now
My friends are patient and understanding, and don't make fun of the stupid mistakes I make
It just took me actually stepping out and engaging
And maybe this will continue and spread into my real life
For all of the bad friends I've had before, I've gotten pretty lucky now