I mean, part of it is the continued mild discomfort in the face and the fact that I really effin' want a chicken strip basket and that means any other food just sounds okay but not good enough to eat
Because "the only minor surgical procedure is one done on somebody else," so all your energy is going towards healing, so rest, don't stress, tagging energy will come back in a few days when your body has stopped freaking out over mouth surgery
: stop using logic at me! (no, I kid, I appreciate it, because I know that's the main problem, the face hurty even though it's not actually hurty right now)
Suz uses Nurse Power! It's Effective! Look, whoever thinks antibiotics are not major system upsets has never been on them. :| Also if they put you under for it, anesthesia in any form is one heck of a drug, you be brain-spacey for a few days
though i shouldn't say 'luckily' I might have preferred it if they had, because my brain goes wonky bc of the stress/anxiety even if it's not panicky-fear anxiety
i'm trying to decide whether or not I have it in me to walk down to the safeway (about a mile one way) in the hopes that they have chicken strips and tato wedges
(no, I kid, I appreciate it, because I know that's the main problem, the face hurty even though it's not actually hurty right now)