The explosives I had prepared throughout the city-state detonated simultaneously. Chains of explosions rang out as showers of sparks and flame burst into the sky in a deafening roar, replacing the blackness of night with the red of fire
My spiritual energy was nearly completely expended. After all, mere explosives and gunpowder was not enough to exterminate all survivors. Still, perhaps I had pushed myself too far.
literally to join this country people had to write down and give proof of their crimes so the city could protect itself from anyone deciding to turn traitor
Now I'm just imagining somebody summoning the soul of like, a fucking Kit Kat bar, and finding out that they broke them off a piece of some poor orphan's corpse
The explosives I had prepared throughout the city-state detonated simultaneously. Chains of explosions rang out as showers of sparks and flame burst into the sky in a deafening roar, replacing the blackness of night with the red of fire
My spiritual energy was nearly completely expended. After all, mere explosives and gunpowder was not enough to exterminate all survivors. Still, perhaps I had pushed myself too far.