well, that was... an interesting week of brain mucking itself up, I guess. Hi, plurk. School and work have decided to blur together into this amorphous mass that I have to fight off as of this month and I am not sure I wanted it to happen the way it has.
At least I’m still kicking. Ish.
I’m not sure I entirely needed the kind of ‘excitement’ I was getting this past week, but it’s practice I need for down the line, so I guess I can put up with it for now.
I kind of have to anyway with all the papers I have to fumble with for the next week...
But yes.
Bolt Vanderhuge
So a lot of work. XD;
Bolt Vanderhuge : Just about. The psych field has a LOT of writing in it.
And a lot of encoding.
And lots and lots of replaying things in your head.
That being said, I spent most of my gaming related time going “calm the FUCK down, Alm” because his attacks keep nuking blues.
Scendscale was a horrible mistake.
Bolt Vanderhuge
Or is it hilarious
Let’s go with horribly hilarious. XD
It’s exemplary of the power creep, but MAN, the numbers he can put out.
I’m tempted to test Glimmer out on him just to see how consistent it is in comparison to Dragon Fang.
Bolt Vanderhuge
I guess how much of it is cracking high defense
Bolt Vanderhuge
Dragon Fang's more true damage, innit?
Just about. Feels like he doesn’t need it as much as his peers though, and this is a Brave Alm with less than Ideal intrinsics too.
I bet he’d be up there with *Effie* if not for his boon being Res.
Bolt Vanderhuge
I'd argue Dragon Fang or Draconic Aura is probably a much better fit than Glimmer because Alm's base Attack stat is so high
Bolt Vanderhuge
And that probably helps further win matchups against foes like Hardin
Bolt Vanderhuge
Because against the targets Glimmer's going to give you a bigger boost too, it'll probably be overkill because it factors damage, not raw statistics
That extra charge gets in the way, but then the right support would probably ease things a bit.
Not to mention Pulse skills are a thing.
Bolt Vanderhuge
Heavy Blade, yo
Yeah, that too.
Speaking of Heavy Blade, it’s seen a lot of use on Brave Eliwood since he’s my designated lance Galeforcer.
Bolt Vanderhuge
Oh yeah, he's dumb good
Bolt Vanderhuge
Wish mine wasn't -ATK but he can still get it done
I mean, a small penalty isn't gonna do much when he has a massive stack of in combat buffa just by attacking. XD
Seriously, his skill loadout is no joke.
Greens melt when I shift him over to Bonfire, and I can do some unorthodox multikills with Galeforce on him.
Bolt Vanderhuge
Bolt Vanderhuge
Also beasts
Bolt Vanderhuge
I do get an almost unhealthy amusement out of his ability to delete beasts
Bolt Vanderhuge
Remove Kitsune. Eject Werewolves. Launch birbs
The guy's probably getting a lot of flak from the Laguz now with how hard he smashes them. XD
Bolt Vanderhuge
Probably. Also a damn good solution to Tibarn
I'd dare say he's the meanest of the anti-beast lot the same way Brave Alm really hates dragons
Heck, the fact he can double down by playing backup for his team and destroying enemy units' offense spreads just makes it worse. XD
So far, my most blatantly horrible four step Eliwood beating program amounts to "Rally ally > shank enemy after getting a song or dance > Galeforce > melt someone else's face"
Not necessarily in that order either.
Bolt Vanderhuge
It can all work. :V
Honestly, I'm just glad I didn't bungle my free pick this time, much less not get any other braves in the package
The only one I'm missing as of that Alm summon is Micaiah, and it's not like I'm losing out on much there
It unfortunately came at a price: I still don't have that earth disciple over in Granblue land, a summer version came out that I also failed to get (pictured in that link) and I'm basically roll-less now
So it's been a mixed bag. XD;
Bolt Vanderhuge
....yeah, I can see why you'd want her.
She slammed in out of NOWHERE with the motto of 'work hard, play hard', how was I supposed to resist the allure?
Especially since if the preview of her Fate episode says anything, she did it at Uriel's suggestion
The guy finally got her to chillax at a beachside
https://imgs.plurk.com/QwB/TSB/OKCNbeaqaXHRthuZt4wo1gfPa8b_lg.png even got herself some heart shades to boot!
What amuses me even more is that most of the summer characters that go around in a swimsuit usually have their fate episodes involve handpicking them
Alexiel just butts in wearing this ensemble off the bat
I joked with someone else about her being basically red-haired Nagisa but it looks like she has something that nightmare hunter doesn't. XD
Bolt Vanderhuge
Those heart shades are hilarious
Bolt Vanderhuge
Alexiel playing hard seems pretty great tbh
It makes me even sadder that I didn't get her