Jett Roxan
I went to a story slam in my city last night... About 200 people there... I got up the nerve to put my name in the hat and was chosen! I told my story in front of all those people and it felt great. My scores were high and almost won the thing.
That's awesome! Are you gonna post your story here?!?
Jett Roxan
Nope... Bianca
Jett Roxan
But you've probably heard it
Jett Roxan
Stories from my hs years and the one involving crazy glue
Probably, but you know how shitty my memory is. You'll have to tell it to me again. Also, does this explain your obsession with glue?
Jett Roxan
it doesnt factor in... BUT i did explain to the crowd a little bit of my obsession with glue and they found it humorous.
It IS humerous, but you are also a great glue resource. Proud of you and happy for you! ❤️