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[OCs] Ultra thoughts cont'd
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- Tentatively locked in a PB
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- An emotional beat for Ultra CR is when you think back on the extremely legitimate bond of friendship you've formed with this battle robot and remember that the only reason it even bothers forming friendships is because of a calculation it made at one point that concluded that friendship increases its potential for destructive power
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- Another character development point that Ultra would need to hit beyond the "learn how to friendship so that you can fight for your friends" thing is
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pushing past limits by putting your life on the line
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in other words, accepting a certain amount of risk of death in exchange for understanding the spirit of a warrior more
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because mortality carries with it strength
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so eventually Ultra does away with its emergency black box self-reconstruction system in order to become mortal
Lightning Bolt
ultra continues to be very good
dragon time
I love and respect ultra
Ultra is a good fighty bot.