Okay, I’m all about throwing darts at Disney where warranted, but I am super tired about seeing the following thing: “Sony took Spider-Man back because Disney wanted 50% of the profits!”

I want to stress I don’t care about defending Marvel or Disney but that’s also objectively wrong and spreading it around muddies the conversation.
The report, as it read, was that Disney wanted a 50/50 split on co-financing, which would entail Disney spending a lot more than they currently do on the Spider-Man films. It would also probably give them more creative input, but they already had some of that. (Except Sony could do what they wanted ultimately.)
(This is why the first two movies have so much focus on Iron Man - Sony wanting to use him to leverage his popularity and draw people to the movie, not Marvel hammering it in.)
I see the opposite literally everywhere and I don’t blame folks who are saying it at this point because the incorrect information has already been spread fairly rapidly.

Again, I’m the first to fire torpedoes at Marvel and Disney where warranted, but -
Ultimately what we know of those new negotiations would’ve still been highly in Sony’s favor, but Sony clearly wants all the marketing buzz from having their movies tied to the MCU... without Marvel actually touching those movies in any significant way. They want all of the advantages and it just kinda stops there.
Princess Emily
wait was Tony being so big in spider-man really because of Sony
From everything I’ve heard, yeah. Obviously he had ties going back to Civil War, but it was ultimately Sony who really, really wanted to hammer that stuff in to leverage his popularity. After all they’re the ones who ultimately paid RDJ the ridiculous amount for his like five minutes in Homecoming.
Princess Emily : it was definitely because of executives. I think the writers wanted Nick Fury instead even in Homecoming
Avengers 3/4 then would’ve just been continuing what was already established
Since the movies way more than make a profit, Sony’s been reaping benefits for this deal in a rather cushy manner, while paying peanuts back for it. It’s been a real good deal on their end.
i can admittedly see a take of like. keeping marvel at arms length because when they're very "give an inch, take a mile" when it comes to creative control and thats only gotten worse having become an official part of the Mouse Mafia
At the same time I can see Marvel’s perspective in that they’ve got a very vested interest given its their property in every other respect out there
As of this point everything has been 100% in Sony’s favor while hardly having to do anything in return, and given some of the other projects on the horizon I could see Marvel being a bit. “Uh,”
i mean ultimately i'm gonna side eith sony because disney/marvel have been very aggressive at muscling through to complete control and disney as a whole is pretty much a monopoly in all but name
I don’t really see Sony as a better company.
I mean Sony doesn't have the sheer economical weight of Disney regardless. I'm not saying Sony is an ethically better company but at least Sony isn't going around with a stranglehold on roughly 70% of the entertainment industry (especially the movie industry)
I don’t see that as necessarily being “well then one side is always in the wrong automatically.” I wasn’t even coming in here to put that down, I was just laying out the facts and some base speculation to reasoning.
I don’t even really think either side is right or wrong, it’s just Mega Corps jockeying for position, I do think it’s unfortunate for the fans of these particular things. (Which ain’t even really me; I think Holland is great, and I enjoyed HC/FFH a fair bit taken on their own, but we’ve never had the on-screen Spider-Man that I’d really want.)
I also feel like Sony may be ultimately shooting themselves in the foot.
Which doesn’t mean Disney is RIGHT, it just means I have some concerns about things coming down the pipe
But that’s as far as my actual opinion goes
Guardian Bear J
Sony is definitely the one picking the fight.
Guardian Bear J
And if push comes to shove, Disney is the one who will bring pipe-swinging goons in.
Guardian Bear J
Sony will start it, Disney WILL finish it.
I mean negotiations are still ongoing, this is absolutely probably something that ends with a giant bag of money, but regardless.
I just wanted to clarify the initial thing I see flying around ^^;
Guardian Bear J
I'm pretty sure that if it drags on too long, it's going to end with a giant bag of door knobs being swung by Disney's lawyers.
Guardian Bear J
One thing Disney is EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD AT is contract law, and fucking over people who try to fuck them.
At this point though I’m fairly sure the contract was up by FFH. I think everything from there was new.
That I could be wrong on, though.
Guardian Bear J
Oh, I mean the old contract Sony had with Marvel.
Guardian Bear J
I'm like... 99% sure Disney didn't poke that nest because they didn't feel a need to. Sony starts fucking with them? That's another story.
Which is up now for renegotiation
I suspect it’s because of Sony’s plethora of potentially questionable projects on the horizon tbh
Guardian Bear J
Like, there's ONE thing you learn not to do in business.
Guardian Bear J
You don't piss off the mouse.
Guardian Bear J
You just don't do it.
Like all things aside I don’t know anyone who at a base concept sees them making a Kraven movie and doesn’t have a moment of. “I’m sorry what?”
Guardian Bear J
Ah yes, Kraven. The king of C-list villains.
Guardian Bear J
Yes, I'm exaggerating, let me have this.
Guardian Bear J
Guardian Bear J
(I may be stirring up shit now. :-D don't mind me.)
That’s creepy! That people paid enough attention to notice that
Guardian Bear J
... Like... SERIOUSLY?! -_- People.
That’s ... very weird.
Guardian Bear J
... Yeah. Yeah. That's pretty telling.
Guardian Bear J
Tom Holland is notorious for leaking stuff. What's he leaking here? Sony's in trouble.
I guess it’s more weird that they noticed but then I’ve also seen Holland fans
it's all just A Mess