boodle boy
I'm reading Annihilation and liking it more than I expected to

boodle boy
I saw the movie on an airplane expecting nothing and was pleasantly surprised, even if it was an imperfect endeavor

boodle boy
I really like the kind of unanswerable metaphysical sci fi that it embodied, which is....pretty much unseen in big film sci fi these days

boodle boy
I'm not surprised it works better as a book. The unknowable is notoriously hard to the hard, sensory experience of film, whether its sci fi or horror or anything else

boodle boy
It's nice to read a sci fi/horror written by a man about female characters where every third paragraph isnt about their gender

boodle boy
obviously it's even nicer to read the genre BY women authors and also I dont mind gender as an aspect at all, especially from women, but with men it feels like half the time they cant stop thinking about the femaleness of their protagonist for two seconds

shrimp heaven
I really like the way he writes women.

shrimp heaven
and like I told another friend there's something about his particular brand of hallucinatory prose that really works for me

shrimp heaven
tbh I loved the book, it captures a sense of horrified wonder in ways few things I've read have managed

shrimp heaven
(I just finished borne and I liked that a lot too)

boodle boy
yeah that's a great way of putting it

boodle boy
I was just looking at Borne, actually! I'll add that to my list when I finish the trilogy

shell monsters
let me know what you think of the second

shell monsters
I loved the first and then just totally couldn't do the others lmao

shell monsters
but I've heard from other folks that it's their favourite so id be into your take

shrimp heaven
(hp lovecraft's cosmic and unknowable horrors but like. minus the horrible racism and misogyny)

boodle boy
yeah the girl who works out the library i talk to a lot said the second was her favourite and I've definitely had a lot of similar tastes to her so I'm hopeful

boodle boy
Only about a third in right now

boodle boy
I can definitely tell I dont really LIKE the protagonist

she's only in the first really!

oh man you’re gonna have such a wild trip with these books

i listened to them a few months ago and fuckin loved it

it is worth sticking it out for the whole trilogy

boodle boy
I'm definitely gonna read all three, especially since they are surprisingly breezy reads?

boodle boy
I expected a heavier, slower read from what I knew, but the first one is like, a quick weekend read so the time investment is low

boodle boy
Okay, finished, really liked it! Weirdly, I wish it were a lot more dense than it was?

boodle boy
I think I was hoping for a very scientific book, especially since it's about an environment going haywire and from the POV of a biologist l, but it was a good little read

boodle boy
I actually found the protagonist compelling in her unlikability, if that makes any sense?

boodle boy
or rather that little attempt is made to endear her to the reader

boodle boy
I'm curious about the other books for sure, especially since a lot of what was interesting in the movie was vague or not present in this one

boodle boy
And I feel like conceptually and thematically this book on it's own stop short of being quite there for me