: 13:阅读 25: 物理井 26:不要每次都往不好的事想 Let me explain with the Kongzi’s word to his student, in The Analects 13.3 “How boorish you are, Zilu! When it comes to matters that he does not understand, the gentleman should refrain from flaunting his ignorance. If names are not correct, speech will not be in accordance with actuality;
Kongzi explains without understanding own’s social status (names), the gentleman will not gaining the relevance power, to have proper speech with logic. In another way around, it shifts the ideology of falsely use language and logic is absolute wrong, thus require proper use and awareness in respect of the “name” belongs. Either way,
must act responsible that belong to it. The responsible itself, tie a solid relationship with the ‘ritual’ you must perform, as a student, or something you wish to do in the future. That knowledge you learned in study career, you examine, you studied, aren’t just knowledge, however, allow you to regard the truth of the world and your own identity,
超级机器人大战吧! 从GBC开始到现在 除了ps4跟wii NS主机外其他的系列都至少有玩过 但其实已经变质 不值得一提了
29. mp3 随身听 换了3部 第一部在台湾掉了 第二部在加拿大掉了 第3部最近差点要遗失了
最后实现了他人生的第一次物理井 --》 井了把牛刀
而那个时候的少年 还未知道自己当初入炕免费抽抽到的阿格
会是成为看到人类恶的关键。。。。 MIAS :
25: 物理井
Let me explain with the Kongzi’s word to his student, in The Analects 13.3 “How boorish you are, Zilu! When it comes to matters that he does not understand, the gentleman should refrain from flaunting his ignorance. If names are not correct, speech will not be in accordance with actuality;